1: Riley

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In the weeks since our showdown with Lugh, and finding out Mia was pregnant, we had slowly started to prepare ourselves for life as a family. Although I was busier than ever with my responsibilities as Alpha, I made sure to make time for date nights, baby shopping and more importantly, doctor's appointments. Today would be the day we found out the sex of the baby, and I was buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

I woke up earlier than my mate, sneaking quietly out of the room to allow her to rest for as long as possible. She had been struck down pretty bad with nausea, aches and pains and sleepless nights from night terrors or just general discomfort. In the beginning I felt a bit useless, unable to make the pain go away, but with the help and advice of my mom I soon found out that snacks, neck rubs and cuddles were exactly what helped.

It was about midday when Mia emerged from our room, sleepily making her way down the stairs, and as usual I stood at the bottom waiting to embrace her in a hug. She looked radiant, a wide beam cemented on her face as she pushed her body into my arms.

"Good morning cutie", she mumbled through a yawn.

I pecked her temple, enjoying her scent as we swayed back and forth. "Good morning princess, how are you feeling today?"

She pulled away, a smile still present on her face, which definitely was a promising sign.

"Actually", she began. "I feel really good today, I didn't even throw up".

I chuckled at her frankness, and she laughed lightly with me, adjusting the large blue hoodie she stole from me.

"Well I'm glad our little one is finally behaving", I sighed in relief. My mate rubbed her stomach through the thick fabric.

"Well they're growing that's for sure".

She slid the fabric up her body, exposing her stomach. Until now there was no bump, but as she pulled up the hoodie, I could finally see a growing bump. My heart swelled with joy and I kneeled down on the floor, rubbing her stomach with a big grin.

"Oh shit", I gasped. "Babe, you have a bump".

Mia smiled down at me, nodding as I enthusiastically placed a kiss to the bump. I had boundless appreciation and admiration for my mate, carrying our child and my excitement grew by the day as we discovered new things in our journey to motherhood together.

"Okay", she interrupted. "We should get a move on, if we wanna be on time for this appointment, I'm sure Dan is also excited".

"Oh he definitely is", I laughed. "He's been calling my office non-stop to try get us in for the appointment".

In an effort to widen our community, we ensured to incorporate more technology throughout the pack. Dan had definitely taken advantage of the new computers and phones in the pack infirmary.

In the pack daycare and schools we had gotten all of the latest tech to make sure we had the best opportunities, to allow any pack members to integrate into human society if they chose to do so. This also included many of us choosing to purchase cellphones, a handy tool for communication, although I must admit, it just encouraged me to play music to the baby every night before we went to sleep.

I stood up, linking my hand in Mia's and guided her to the door. We were soon welcomed by the crisp Fall air, which was carried with a mild breeze. My mate shivered lightly, and I felt a creeping worry sneak up on me. I quickly shook off my suede jacket and slipped it on to her shoulders. She smiled appreciatively, and without a word we walked hand-in-hand towards the infirmary, fallen leaves crunching under our feet.

Thankfully we didn't have much of a distance to walk, as within just two minutes we reached the newly renovated infirmary. Blinding fluorescent lights welcomed us, along with the smell of rubbing alcohol and I could see Mia grimace at the scent as we made our way through the winding halls.

"This place stinks", she groaned under her breath. Ever since we found out she was pregnant, she had been particularly sensitive to smells, and from time to time some would be bad enough to make her gag or throw up. I even changed my body wash to something less scented due to this.

I squeezed her hand, rushing her towards the maternity ward where Dan now worked full time. As soon as I pushed the heavy white door open, his tall figure jumped up with excitement seeing my mate walk in.

"Mia", he gushed. "You look wonderful, how are you feeling?" His white coat flapped as he moved so fast, ushering her to sit on the ultrasound table. With both of us helping her step up, she plopped herself down with a resounding sigh.

"I feel heavy", she laughed. "And so fucking tired". I stood beside her, my hand placed over hers supportively as Dan frowned.

"Have you been taking your folic acid and vitamins?"

Mia nodded, her hand instinctively running over her bump. I smiled to myself, watching this gesture.

"Okay", Dan responded. "Let's have a look at baby, and then we can discuss your options for supplements".

Mia hummed in understanding, flopping down on the table, smiling at my laughter as she pulled the hoodie up once more to expose her bump.

"What?" she giggled. "I'm pregnant and tired, leave me alone".

I shook my head in amusement, holding her hand still as Dan rubbed some cold gel on her stomach, holding the ultrasound wand in his other hand.

"Okay, you're gonna feel a bit of pressure, then we'll take a look at baby, hear the heartbeat and find out the sex".

Mia snorted, adjusting herself to be comfortable on the solid hospital bed.

"You seem as excited as us".

Dan paused for a second. "I am so excited guys, the whole pack is, this is a miracle".

My mate and I looked at each other, exchanging small knowing smiles. A miracle is exactly what this was.

Dan pressed the wand on to her stomach, earning a slight whimper from Mia as she adjusted to the sensation.

"Dammit Dan I need to pee now".

Dan laughed lightly, moving the wand around in the gel as he examined the baby, the screen turned away from us for the time being.

He stared intensely at the screen as I held on to my mate's hand, hers clutching mine tightly. I could tell she was anxious to see if the baby was doing well, she had been nervous throughout her three months of pregnancy so far.

Finally, after several minutes of holding our breaths, Dan's face morphed from curiosity, to shock and then to joy. I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes. My heart was beating hard in my chest as we waited in the cold, sterile room.

He kept the wand on Mia's stomach, but turned to face us, letting out a relieved sigh.

"What? What is it?" I asked anxiously.

"Well, it's all good news", he responded.

My mate's hand was freezing cold, her nerves still high. Dan spun the screen around to face us.

"If you look here, you'll be able to see", he began.

I nodded, staring at the image on the screen. Initially it just appeared to be black and white, but as I looked closer, analyzing the image.

His finger reached up to point to the image. "Here you can see the amniotic sac, the placenta - and here is the baby".

I could feel Mia's hand grip mine tighter. I wasn't sure if she had come to the same realization as I had, seeing two circle looking shapes appearing on the screen as he moved the wand.

"And as you can see", Dan's giddy voice continued. "Is baby B".

The room went silent, and I stared at my mate's shocked face, her mouth agape.

"Congratulations, you're having twins".

Well, I'm back guys! And so are you're favourite couple! I'm so, so happy that you guys have enjoyed I Want Her enough to want a sequel, I never, ever thought the story would get as much support as it has and wow I appreciate it so much. I am hoping to update chapters every Monday and Friday! I hope you all stick around for the next installment, and continue to enjoy and support this story as I write. Let me know what you think, and as always my lovelies, stay safe and well!


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