Chapter 14

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Matthew Lin:

Monday, February 1st—

It's time to switch departments so on Sunday morning, instead of going to the Abilities and Functions Corps. Department, I head towards the Training Department or the workout areas. This department is one of the largest in the MCC because there are many agents and all of them need to be fit to a certain extent. Depending on which area your job focuses on, you'll need to meet the guidelines for it. In addition, this place is where all the incoming agents and agents in training are.

The Training Department has its own building, but it also have outdoor parts too, like a track field, an outdoor swimming pool, an area filled with obstacles, an archery area, etc.

"So where are we starting off first?" I ask Benjamin who volunteered to be our guide for the entire trip instead of just for his department. It turns out he is quite experienced in many fields. He is a member of the Boards of Education, used to work in the Health Research Department, and completed 30 missions of the MCC before. I think he's pretty cool.

"We are going to meet some newbies who just started training last year. Their test will be in June and if they pass, they're in," Benjamin says. "But we are meeting the newbies who will be in the Mission Control Department so they are highly skilled in combat." MCC agents for the Mission Control Department or any department needing to use fighting skills will have to train for a year in the MCC before they are accepted. Also, they have to pass a test too. No matter how good you are and how much things you already did, you need to be in training for that one year or else you can't be in.

"Umm, when are we going to tell the others about our...plan?" Emma whispers next to me. I haven't told Roy or George about what I was thinking last Wednesday. It just didn't feel like the right timing. However, I have decided to carry on with my plan no matter what their answers are. I also don't know if my sister has told Selena yet. She'll probably be helpful because she knows a remedy that can pacify the bee stings.

"Let's wait for now," I say. I still have things to figure out and I need to come up with a plan. I don't decide on revealing our identities now because what's the point of all our hard work then? I need a way around it and I haven't came up with one yet. I like everything to be planned out precisely and for nothing to go wrong, even though it almost always does, so over the years, I've learned to prepare for many situations.

The 6 of us walk into the building and make a left turn and walk until we reach a big double door. Benjamin swings both of it open to reveal a larger gym with around 5 people inside.

"There are only 5 people here?" George asks, stunned. I expected more people too. I thought a lot of people wanted to work for the MCC, especially the MC Department (Mission Control Department).

"They are the ones who made it during the yearly training," Benjamin says. "Unfortunately, many people give up or are still not in the level they are expected to be. These 5 were the only ones who were able to keep up with our training schedule. Those who weren't are retraining and that's in a separate gym." Oh, so this is like a VIP gym.

I look around and see one familiar face. Lucas Agenos. Looks like he saw me and Emma as well because he came running over.

"HEY!" he yelled so loudly that he froze everyone else who was training so they all dropped their equipment and headed over. Lucas ran with both his arms out to hug me and Emma, but we both pushed him away as it was too embarrassing.

"Watch your behavior in public, Luca," Emma says. Lucas or as we call him, Luca, is very hyper and loud.

"Whatever, it's not like I'll get arrested," Luca says, shrugging. "Anyway, I was looking forward to seeing you guys!" We don't let him hug us so he goes to hug Selena instead. "Selena is the only one nice to me." I think she's just too nice to reject you.

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