Chapter 6 Mahua cookies

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The Nishikata's arrived at home and went straight towards the bathroom.

Mr Nishikata: Oh sorry you want me to go in first?

Mrs Nishikata: I'm okay if you went first.

"How come the two of you don't go in together?" Chi giggled. Her father blushed and her mother answered explaining that it was privacy whenever someone wanted to use the bathroom.

"I don't get it but you two sometimes take baths together. Is pribabacy really that important?" Chi wondered but her mother corrected her instantly.

"It's privacy honey and we take our baths together sometimes to bond. It's different when we just have to use the toilet or something." Her mother told her.

"I still think it's weird. You both watch me potty so how is it different for you two? I don't think I'll ever understand adults." Chi sighed.

"You'll understand when you have a husband and a kid of your own" her mother teased making her husband anxious.

"Yeah but that won't happen til she's married.", her dad added quickly informing his daughter.

Mrs Nishikata chuckles as her husband worries a little about Chi's future. She knows that her husband doesn't want Chi thinking about a boyfriend at such a young age but it's still funny for her to see him so concerned about what they expose her to.

Mrs Nishikata: You don't have to worry so much honey, Chi is still so young and I'm sure she still doesn't understand what dating is. She knows we are he parents but in her eyes it's mother and father.

Chi: and I also know that you two are married and that Daddy and Mommy love each other so so much.

The light blushes that appear on both of her parents face as she say it are faint but obvious.

Mr Nishikata: Anyway.. let's change the subject. I'm hungry.

Mrs Nishikata: What do you feel like eating dear?

Chi: Weren't you going to make Mah.. mah ha cookies?

Mrs Nishikata: Mahua cookies honey. So you want to help mommy bake them?

Chi: YES!!

Mr Nishikata: I could help too you know.

Mrs Nishikata: No, the last time we baked something together you couldn't stop eating the batter.

Chi: Hahahaha Daddy is so greedy.

Mr Nishikata: *blushes* Don't say that..

Mrs Nishikata: Chu that's not nice, besides don't you do the same thing ?

Chi: Ahhh.. n.. I mean yes.

Mr Nishikata: Hehe busted.

Mrs Nishikata: *laughs at both her husband and daughter*


Some time pass and the Mahua cookies are done with being baked. Mrs Nishikata decides to leave it on the kitchen counter to cool off.

Mr Nishikata: How long do we got to wait before we can eat them?

Mrs Nishikata: I'd say about 45 minutes.

Mr Nishikata: What?!! All of that?

Chi: How long is 4 D 5 minutes?

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