Chapter 2. Food store

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Inspired by the manga

"Chi are you ready ?"

Chi: Yes mommy I'm ready!!

"Great then let's go to the supermarket so that we can get some groceries."

After a 10 minute drive to the Supermarket, Chi and Mrs Nishikata had finally arrived and began shopping. First they got a push trolley and Chi begged her mother to sit in it. Her mother lifted her into the trolley and began to push the trolley around in the store.

First they went to the meat and produce aisle where Mrs Nishikata grabbed two large packs of chicken and two large packs of ground beef. She then walked a lil further down and got some hotdogs, sausage and egg cartons.

Next they headed to the freezers where she got 1 gallon of milk, a bucket of butter, 4 gallons of water and 2 gallon of juice, different flavors of course.

"Chi would you like a small drink?"

Chi: Yes mommy please!!

Mrs Nishikata looked over at some 6 packs of lemonade cans so which she bought 2 6 packs. After getting the drinks she went and got some rice, canned corn, tomato paste, some spices and 6 pasta straws.

"Hmm I needed up getting more than I originally came here for. Well this should be good until me and your father go shopping on the weekend. Hey Chi do you want a snack before we go and get these things ring up?

Chi: Can I get some Manjus?

"Of course. Let's go."

When they arrived at the snack aisle, she picked up 2 boxes of manju, 2 boxes of pop tarts, 2 boxes of cereal and a case of sip juices.

"Okay now I've over shopped."

*takes out phone*

"Hey honey, I kind of over shopped today so there's more things going to be in the house than what we needed. No I don't need any money from our savings. Okay, alright, see you soon." *beep*

Chi: are we done mommy?

"Yup now it's time to get everything paid for."

Mrs Nishikata pushed the trolley over to a line at the cash register which moved rather quickly. Soon everything was packed up and now they were just heading to the car to get everything out inside. Once she was done, she pushed the trolley to the trolley stop and she and Chi headed home.

They got out of the car and began to carry everything inside but since some of the bags would be too heavy Chi didn't have to do too much lifting.

Mrs Nishikata then quickly began to cook. She knew her husband was about to be home shortly so she wanted something got ready for him since he didn't eat breakfast before leaving the house. Chi decided to play with her toys until it was time to eat. Some time passed and Mr Nishikata arrived home.

"Hey dear, the food is almost done so why don't you just relax for a bit."

"Thanks dear, wait where is Chi?"

"She was just playing with her toys a second ago. I wonder where she went."

Chi: Rawr!! *Chi jumped from her father who didn't realize her hiding behind the door when he came in.*

Mr Nishikata: Chi, you scared me!!

Chi: *smiles* Yay !!

"Chi that isn't nice you could have gave your father a heart attack."

Chi: What does that mean?

"It means you could have scared him to death."

Chi: *worried look* OH NO Daddy I'm sorry I wasn't trying to kill your. *cries*

Mr Nishikata: Hey it's alright your daddy is okay see. *lifts Chi up*

Mr Nishikata: Yeah I'm fine Chi no need to cry.

Chi stops from crying and smiles at both of her parents.

*alarm goes off*

"Ahh the food is done, it's time to eat."

Mrs Nishikata goes and takes up the food. Shortly after everyone is eating together and really enjoying the food. Once dinner is done Chi heads to the bathroom with her father and they take a bath together. Once done Chi brushes her teeth and then gets ready for bed. Her mother reads her a bedtime story and she quickly falls asleep.

Mr Nishikata: hey do you want me to help you clean the kitchen?

Mrs Nishikata: Hmm, since you've already taken your bath you can just go to bed without me.

Mr Nishikata: But I don't mind.

Mrs Nishikata: it's okay dear besides there isn't much dishes left to clean.

Mr Nishikata: Oh okay.

Mr Nishikata heads to their bedroom and lays on the bed. Some times passes and have wife is finally done with cleaning and taking her bath. She comes into the room where her husband is surprisingly still awake.

Mrs Nishikata: Oh you haven't fallen asleep yet?

Mr Nishikata: I tried but I'm just not sleepy.

Mrs Nishikata: Hmm is it because you wanted to cuddle me before going to sleep? *teasing*

Mr Nishikata: *blushes* No I just couldn't sleep.

Mrs Nishikata: *smiles* I'm just joking dear.

Mrs Nishikata gets into the bed and lays directly close to her husband. She even rests her head on his chest.

Mrs Nishikata: Your heart is beating fast.

Mr Nishikata: that's probably why I can't sleep.

Mrs Nishikata: Maybe, maybe not. I really love cuddling up with you before bed.

Mr Nishikata: Is that so?

Mrs Nishikata: Yup, every woman likes cuddling up to their amazing husband. It lets them feel protected and love all at the same time. It also helps us to sleep better. And since tonight is getting a little chilly it also helps to keep us warm.

Mr Nishikata: Yeah I guess you're right.

Mrs Nishikata: well goodnight honey.

Mr Nishikata: Goodnight.

Mrs Nishikata stakes her head off of her husbands chest and lays flat on her pillow with her head facing the room window. She suddenly feels her husband's arm wrap around her.

Mrs Nishikata: I thought you didn't want to cuddle.

Mr Nishikata: I never said that, besides aren't you feeling protected, warm and love right now? *blushes*

Mrs Nishikata: *blushes* You're right I do feel all of those things. *turns her head facing her husband. He has a big blush on his face but the two remain in eye contact*

Mr Nishikata: what's wrong why are you looking at me like that?

Mrs Nishikata: I wanted to look into your eyes and talk to you. It feels more romantic this way.

Mr Nishikata: *blushes* I'm happy we got married.

Mrs Nishikata:*buried her head into her husbands chest* I'm happy we got married as well. It's one thing I won't ever regret. I love you.

Mr Nishikata: Yeah.. I love you too. *blushes*

End of chapter

More chapters are on the way!!

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