Chapter 3. Middle of the night

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It's the middle of the night and the Nishikata's are fast at sleep, well not everyone. Chi normally wakes up 2am every night to go use the bathroom and get a cup of water. But this time she can't get back to sleep. It looks like Chi is going to spend the rest of the night awake. Let's see what she does to fix that.

Chi: Sigh I can't sleep. It's so boring.

Chi gets up out of bed and as she makes her way to the door she hears footsteps. Hearing the sound she runs back in bed and covers her face with her bed sheet.

Chi: Uh oh if mommy and daddy find out that I'm still awake I'll get in trouble.

Suddenly the steps stop behind the door.

Chi: Hmm? No one's going to open the door?

The footsteps move away from the door and go back down the hall.

Chi: whew I could have gotten in trouble just now. Time to go to sleep.

Chi lays down and closes her eyes but nothing seems to help her go sleep. She can't hear what's going on outside so that's not the problem. She isn't hungry. She already got a cup of water and used the bathroom. This was unusual for Chi because she'd only get up to drink a cup of water use the bathroom and head back to sleep with no issues, but tonight was really different.

Suddenly a knock on Chi's room window frightens her.

Chi: huh? Someone's knocking? No I can't answer for strangers.

Chi throws the cover back over her head as her heart beats a little faster and she thinks of the possibility of something scary outside of her window.

Chi: Maybe it's a bad man that wants to take all of my manju. Or worse they want to take mommy and daddy. You can't have them!!

Footsteps come back to Chi's room door and she's getting really scared. She starts to cry and call out for her parents. Her father quickly opens the room door and rush over to Chi. He lifts her up in his arms and tries his best to comfort her while telling her it's okay, there's nothing to worry about.

Chi: But I heard footsteps and someone knocked on my room window.

Her mother who came to the room after her father joins in on comforting her.

Mai: it's alright honey the first footsteps was me, I wanted to make sure you got in bed after using the bathroom.

Rei: I'll check to see what caused the knocking on the window.

As Rei checked the cause of the window, he realized that a branch from the tree kept hitting the window because of the breeze blowing outside. He went to get his clippers from the shed and cutted the large branch and others that would risk hitting the window as well.

Chi started to calm down and relax but kept a tight grip on her mother who was now holding her.

Mai: Do you want to sleep with us tonight?

Chi: Yes!!

Mai: Fine, honey you're okay with that?

Rei: Yeah that's fine with me besides I understand Chi being scared. But don't worry Chi your father is the bravest person you'll ever known

Mai: Oh? Well how about you sleep in this room while Chi sleep with me?

Rei: Huh? No!!

Mai: why are you scared?

Rei: No, besides Chi's bed is too small for me.

Mai: I don't know, I think the 3 of us can fit even on her bed.

Rei: Let's get to bed.

Mai: hold on let's get a late night snack to make sure her nerves are calm.

They exit the room and head to the kitchen. Mai makes everyone sandwich's and pours out their drink while Rei puts the clipper back into the shed. He then heads back inside and locks the door behind him.

Mai: here's your sandwich dear.

Rei: Thank you!!

Everyone's eating their sandwiches while enjoying a late night family bonding time. They decide to play together to increase the chance of making Chi tired and getting her to go to bed which they managed to achieve successfully.

Mai: let's go to bed.

Mai picks up their daughter that fell asleep in her lap and lifts her to their room. Rei turns off the kitchen light and they head to the bedroom together. Mai lays down Chi in the middle of the bed and she lays on one end while Rei lays on the next end of the bed.

Mai: *smiles* It looks like she's going to sleep really good now.

Rei: She really needed to tire herself out and now she's going to sleep 100% better.

Mai: it's too bad she's inside our room though.

Rei: Hmm? What do you mean?

Mai: now we can't have a little fun before going to bed.

Rei: *blushes* let's go to bed.

Mai: Hmm I guess you didn't want to have a little fun after all.

Rei: I do it's just.. we can't do anything fun with Chi right here.

Mai gets out of the bed and walks towards the room door exiting then signaling for Rei to follow her.

Rei: Hmm? Where are we going?

Mai: well since we left Chi in the room we can have a little fun right here in the hallway.

Rei: wait right by the door?

Mai: is that a problem?

Rei: No.. not really. It's not like Chi can see.

Mai: Good. Close your eyes dear.

Rei: Uh okay.

Mai: What do you think that's fun that I wanted to do? *whispers in her husbands ear*

Rei: I.. I.. I'd rather not say..

Mai: Is it that hard to say that I wanted to tease you?

Rei: Huh??!!

Mai: *Giggles* Your reactions are still the best Dear.

Rei: I thought you was talking about something else.

Mai: Hmm? Something else like what? *smirk*

Rei: Nothing come let's go back to bed. I have work in the morning.

Mai: Yeah you need to get your rest or you'll be tired all tomorrow.

Rei: From being up late?

Mai: If we have a little fun actually.

Rei: Wait are you talking about teasing me while I try to sleep?

Mai: Shhh, Chi is sleeping honey.

Rei: .. Sorry..

Mai: *giggles*

The couple head back into their bed and snuggle up to their daughter. I guess they still did managed to have a little fun after all.

End of chapter

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