7. Little By Little

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Hanna had a weird relationship with Joonas. They were sending memes to each other and occasionally they texted to each other, mostly it was Joonas complaining about his bandmates or Hanna ranting about the game she's working on. But it was like they both had become each other's diaries where they could share what had happened in the day. Both of them didn't push anything, there were no talks about first dates nor anything like that. This was just two people befriending each other. But Hanna was starting to catch these weird feelings for Joonas. Every time his name popped on her phone screen, she felt her heart leap. Every time someone, someone meaning Linda, mentions his name, Hanna's cheeks get red. There was no way of denying that she had feelings for the blond guitarist.

If only she still wouldn't have to deal with this little problem. With the help of Linda, Hanna had found a new clinic and this time Linda could accompany her.

This clinic already felt homier and more welcoming, even though the last one was also nice, this one just felt a bit more right to Hanna. Both girls were waiting for the nurse to call Hanna's name, but while waiting Linda started to interrogate Hanna about Joonas. Linda knew that something was going on between the two, but she didn't know what exactly. Linda has been spending a lot of time with Olli, which also meant that she sometimes ran into Joonas, because Olli was staying with the man, and every time Joonas asked how was Hanna. Linda knew that both her friends had some sort of feelings for each other and she wanted to help. But she also knew that she shouldn't overstep anything, after all, it was not her life and she shouldn't make decisions for two grown-up adults.

"I don't know what is going on between us," Hanna whispered because she didn't want to draw any attention to her.

"C'mon, everyone can see that something is going on," Linda on other hand didn't lower her voice, she just didn't care if anyone wanted to pay attention.

"I would rather know-how is your's and Olli's thing going," Hanna bite back, so she wouldn't have to think too much about Joonas. She already was thinking too much about him and it was getting on her nerves. It was not only affecting her life, but also her work.

"I guess it's going," Linda shrugged, "I really like him, but something is not sitting quite right with me."

"You don't think he is the one?"

"I don't know. Maybe not in this timeline," Linda sighed.

And after Linda's dramatic sigh Hanna's name was called and Hanna walked toward the office.

This time her doctor was younger and much more supportive. Hanna explained why she had changed the clinics and the doctor completely understood why.

"This shouldn't be about you feeling guilty but rather relieved," the doctor explained, "There are many different reasons why women choose not to keep the child, and all of them are valid and it's no one's business."

Hanna smiled at the doctor and thanked her for being so understanding. The visit went the same as the previous one, only this time there was no judgment.

"It seems that the only closest date we can make an appointment is February 14," the doctor looked through her notes.

It was a bit less than 2 weeks and Hanna will be able to have a normal life once again. As normal as it would ever be from now on.

Hanna thanked the doctor and walked outside to be greeted by Linda. Linda saw that Hanna wasn't nervous anymore, she looked relieved.

"Seems that everything went well?" Linda smiled at her friend.

"Yeah, it's going to end soon," Hanna answered, "But my appointment is on Valentine's day."

"That's romantic," Linda held her friend's coat so she could put it on. Linda liked to baby her friends and after everything Hanna was going through, she wanted to baby her friend even more.

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