Viata de Vampir Chapter 2

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"Lives to Spare"

"Lonely is the Night" by Billy Squier had just begun playing as I sped down I-65, heading toward Nashville, Tennessee. I had just left Indianapolis following a lead pertaining to the 'pire that changed me so long ago. He wasn't there, but I did dispose of a small clan while I was in the area. I could still smell their blood on my lips, traces of their sweet nectar caught in my shortly trimmed beard. The trip was a bit disappointing, but due to the meal of several weaker vampires, I was stronger than ever.

"Nearly two hundred years... and for what?" I whispered, thinking of my ultimate objective. His image was burned in to my retina, forever a reminder of what I had lost and what was to be gained in the near future.

I was heading to Nashville to gather some supplies from a house I owned in the area. Total, I owned twenty five houses and apartments across the United States. Places where I could rest, avoid the light of the sun, and contemplate my next move. They were houses, not my home...

The ringing of my cell phone brought me out of my -almost hypnotizing- train of thought, the caboose being... Who the hell could this be? I sighed, retrieving my phone from where it sat, next to me on Elizabeth's bench seat. I glanced down at the name that illuminated the screen...


Just the sight of these fourteen letters sent the deadened blood in my veins a blaze. I instinctively bared my fangs slightly, letting a minuscule snarl escape my lips. I was beginning to lose my patients with this one, no matter how indebted to me he was.

"Lockheart." I flatly answered the phone.

"Edgar..." He began in his usual annoying and nervous tone. "Skipping all the pleasantries, are we? Not even a 'hi' or 'hello'?"

"Not this time."

"I gather from the tone of your voice that Indianapolis was a bust?"

"You could say that...'

A little bit of back story on Tidus Lockheart. I've only known him for seven years -that might sound like a lot to you, but for someone like me... it's not- and the whole time he has tried to help me find the vampire I know I've mentioned several times. His reasoning for helping? Well, apparently a couple of decades ago Tidus was one of five leaders of a large 'pire clan based in northern Alaska. He did something -something that he won't discuss with me- that got him exiled from the clan, banished from his home and 'family'. I could relate. After he was banished, he vowed to aid rogue vampires who wished to hunt or seek revenge on other 'pires. The only price he asked was that the rogue whom wished his help, needed kill one of his old clansmen. I did so. Only, the clansmen I killed was one of the four remaining leaders of the Alaskan clan. This action led to his large dept to me, for the other three still remain... and they're not big fans of Lockheart.

"But I just don't understand. There was a sighting of an elder 'pire in the area that matched the description of the one that changed you... to a T."

"Well, either it was the wrong elder 'pire..." I began, purposely trailing my voice lower.


"Or the services you are failing to provide me are weighing on my patience." I finished. Tidus drew in a sharp breath through his teeth.

"That stings, Edgar. Really."

"The truth hurts sometimes. I've given you ample time to locate this 'pire and you have continued to disappoint. So tell me... Where do you suppose he is now?" I asked, knowing his reasoning for calling me. TidusknewI hadn't found the vampire in Indianapolis, and I bet he had a lengthy theory about where I would be searching next.

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