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"We need to talk about something important."
Mr. Lee says looking at Minho. I start getting nervous about what he's going to say next.
"Seungmin honey, what if we go somewhere so Minhyuk and Minho can talk." Mrs Lee says standing up and giving me a warm smile. I nod and follow her out of the room. We go into another lounging room.
"Seungmin, can you tell me what happened yesterday?" Mrs. Lee says looking at me.
"Um, well uh- Minho got into a fight because this random guy was following me and was touching me so I texted Minho to come get me because I was uncomfortable-" I say getting cut off by Mrs Lee.
"Ah, I knew there was something wrong. Minho usually gets in fights because of his anger issues."
"I'm really sorry Mrs Lee it was my fault, Minho would've never gotten into a fight if I didn't text him." I say standing up to bow.
"Seungmin it's not your fault, no one should be touching you." Mrs Lee says. I sit down and nod while she rubs my back. I look down still feeling guilty as if what happened to Minho was my fault.
"But since Minho called you his husband in that video we have to reveal that you two are married earlier then expected. We were planing to reveal your relationship with Minho to the media 2 weeks after the wedding so you both get settled in." Mrs Lee says looking up at me. I feel guilt come over me.
"I'm really sorry." I apologize again.
"It's okay Seungmin, no need to be guilty. But once we reveal that you two are married we expect you two to go out together more." Mrs lee says softly smiling.
"Of course i'll try my best to not cause trouble again." I say looking down at my shoes.
"This is just a warning but be careful going out by yourself it's going to be dangerous once the media knows who you are." Mrs Lee says standing up and signaling Seungmin to follow her to the dining room to eat breakfast.


Minho's Pov

"We need to talk about something important." Dad says looking at me and I nod.
"Seungmin honey, what if we go somewhere so Minhyuk and Minho can talk." Mom says giving a smile to Seungmin. They both walk out of the room and my dad starts talking.
"What happened yesterday Minho? Are you crazy?!" My dad says standing up slightly yelling.
"All I did was protect Seungmin it's not my fault." I say leaning back on the couch.
"So you protected Seungmin by fighting a random guy and causing problems?" Dad says rolling his eyes and sitting back down.
"The guy was following him and touching him with our Seungmin's consent! What else was I supposed to do!" I say getting up, I'm getting slightly angry that my Dad doesn't get the situation.
"You could've reported it and asked him to get off of Seungmin, Minho! You need to control you anger sometimes." Dad says with a still annoyed face.
"So you think asking him 'nicely' to get off of Seungmin will work? It's so stupid! He would've never backed off if I didn't do something about it!" I say angrily. He's not getting my point and it's making me mad.
"Minho I get your point, but lashing out like that is ever good! You have to have some self control!" My dad says getting back up.
"But you don't get my point!" I yell slightly.
"Minho! Don't be talking to me in that ton-" My Dad says but I cut him off by storming out of the room in anger to go find Seungmin and leave. I find him and my Mom talking in the dining room. I grab Seungmin by the wrist and drag him to my car so we can leave.
"Minho what are you doing?!" My Mom says chasing after us.
"Minho what's wrong?" Seungmin in says as I drag him out side.
"Minho!" My Mom says getting dragged back into the house by my Dad. I open the passenger door and shove Seungmin into the car. I get into the car myself and turn on the car driving back home.
"Minho what's wrong?" Seungmin says still surprised by what just happened.
"Nothing now just shut up." I say still angry about what happened I don't like yelling at him but it just came out. I glance at him and he's looking down. I feel bad but I feel too guilty to say anything else to him.


3rd Person POV

It was a silent car ride on that way to the apartment complex. They eventually got there. Seungmin didn't notice as he had his head down after Minho shouted at him. He felt guilty for some reason.
"We're here." Minho says turning off the car and getting out. Seungmin slowly makes his way out of the car into the apartment complex and in the living room. Minho stomps his way to his room and slams his door. Seungmin flinches at the sudden loud noise. He wonders what Minho and his Dad talked about that made him so angry. While he was thinking his stomach rumbled signaling that his was hungry since he hadn't ate today. Seungmin goes into the kitchen to get some cereal since he didn't know what else to eat. He finished and placed the bowl into the sink. He started washing the dishes and cleaning the apartment up. It was now 2:51 after he got done cleaning the apartment. Minho still hasn't come out of his room. It's getting Seungmin worried. He works on lunch which is just regular Tteokbokki. Seungmin walks to Minho's room and knocks on the door.
"What do you want?" Minho yells from inside his room.
"I made Tteokbokki if you want some." Seungmin says.
"Coming." Minho yells again. Seungmin smiles to himself and walks back down stairs to make Minho and him a plate. Minho eventually does come down and he starts eating. It's silent with Minho just scrolling on his phone.
"What was wrong earlier Minho?" Seungmin asks with food still in his mouth.
"Nothing." Minho says not even looking at Seungmin.
"Are you sure? You were pretty-" Seungmin says getting cut off by Minho.
"I said It was nothing don't you get it?" Minho says slightly yelling.
"S-sorry." Seungmin says looking down and eating his food. Minho finishes and throws the dish into the sink going back up stairs into his room slamming the door once again. Seungmin feels tears forming in his eyes.



Sorry it took so long to update this but I redid this chapter twice and had like no ideas on what was going to happen in this chapter lmao

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