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Seungmin's POV

I went down stairs to make breakfast. Today I made waffles with strawberries. I start getting the plates ready when Minho comes down. He comes down stairs in grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt, his hair still wet from the shower he took which makes me smile to myself.
"Do you want waffles Minho?"
"I guess, I have to get going to the agency because I have another shoot." Minho says.
"Alright, you do want me to bring you lunch?" I asked.
"Sure bring it around 1, i'll be on my break by then." he answers back getting a glass of water.
I put the plate down in front of him and he starts eating. I sit across from him and start eating as well. Once Minho is done he puts the dish in the sink and leaves to his modeling agency ran by his parents. I finish my food and start doing the dishes. I get done in about 10 minutes. After finishing I hear my phone ring.
"Hi minnie, do you want to go to the park with me?"
"Of course Jeongin, I'll be there in 10."
"Alright see you there!"
"Byeee~" I hang up and start making my way to my room. I put on some white shorts and a oversized purple t-shirt which cover my shorts. I grab my backpack and head out of the apartment. Since the park is close to Minho's apartment I just end up walking. I wait a while until Jeongin shows up.
"Hi minnie~"
"Hi jeongin~~" I says while Jeongin sit down on the bench next to me.
"So what do you need Jeongin?"
"Oh nothingg, I just want to know how you've been!"
"Oh i've been fine! What about you?"
"Same here, I have to ask what's it like being with Minho though? He's the most handsome guy in Seoul Seungmin!"
"It's pretty great so far!"


We end up talking for a while and go home. It's Already 11:58 so I have to go and make Minho's Lunch. I go back to the apartment and make my way into the kitchen to make pasta for Minho. After i'm done I put it in my backpack and start to make my way to Minho's modeling agency. I take an uber there since it's kind of far away and I can't drive.

I enter the agency and ask the front desk where Minho's room is. She tell me his room in on the 4th floor. I get onto the elevator and press the 4th button. The elevator stops at the 2nd floor so someone can get on.
"Hello." The man says.
"Hello." I reply back
"I'm sorry to bother but do you do modeling?" The man asks.
"Ah, no I don't." I say smiling softly.
"Well if I could get your name maybe we can work together!" The man says.
"Oh of course, Plus my name is Lee Seungmin."
"Lovely name, Heres my card so you can contact me if your up for the job!"
"Thank you!" I say as I get out of the elevator.


I am currently walking to Minho's room to give him his lunch. It's 12:58 right now so Minho should be on break soon. I ask a staff member we're Minho is, she says he's in his room which is down the hall. I start walking down the hall way to find Minho's room. When I find his room I open the door. To my surprise Minho is with someone else. He's with a guy that looks like a squirrel.
"Minho?" I says still in the door way, They both turn there heads.
"Ah Seungmin, what are you here for?"
"Your lunch." I say giving him a small smile.
"Oh of course."
"Do you want me to set it down somewhere?"
"Sure, uh can you set it on the table over there, i'll be with you in a little bit."
"Sure." I say smiling.
I grab my back pack and place the food down. I look up to see Minho and the squirrel looking boy finishing their conversation. I'd be lying if I said i wasn't jealous. The squirrel boy finally leaves and Minho comes to sit next to me.
"Wow, It looks great Seungmin." Minho says slightly smiling.
"Thank you!" I say smiling.
"Are you going to eat?" Minho asks grabbing his food.
"No I already ate with Jeongin. We went to the park today." I explained.
"Ah was it just you two?"
"Yes, we went to the park down the street."
"That's nice." Minho says stuffing food into his mouth, I just nod.
"Oh, and I ran into this guy that said he wanted me to model for him!" I says excitedly
"Are you going to take the offer?"
"Maybe, I want to try out modeling."
"Oh, well i don't think you should."
"Why not Minho?"
"People shouldn't be taking pictures of you without my consent." Minho says with a straight face.
"Why not Minho!"
"Because, If I say no it means no. So your not modeling."
"Please Minho~" I say giving him my puppy eyes.
"No, no one should be taking pictures of you without my consent."
"Minho~" I try once again.
"No Seungmin." Minho says getting madder each second.
"Please~ Ill do what ever you want!"
"I said no Seungmin. No means no." Minho says slightly yelling.
"Fine then." I say pouting.
"Don't give me attitude Seungmin. But i'll think about it I guess." Minho says walking to the trash can to throw away the left overs.
"You will!!" I say jumping in my seat.
"Maybe, don't get your hopes up though. Anyway, I have a shoot in a few minutes you should start leaving."
"Alright, bye Minho!" I says smiling and waving as he waves back. I walk to the elevator and wait there till the elevator gets to the 4th floor. Once I get in I press the 1st floor button. The elevator stops at the 3rd floor and a man steps in. I move to the side a bit. He stands right next to me, he's a little to close for my liking. He starts to get closer to me as other people get in to. By the time he's next to me he puts his hand on my butt. Shocked, I turn to look at him. He has a straight face on. I get uncomfortable so I move away a bit. Which makes him just get closer to me. Since the 1st floor is the next floor. I just stand there uncomfortable.When the elevator stops at the 1st floor I quickly get off speed walking to the Main doors. I turn around just in case the man is following me. To my surprise he's just a couple feet behind me. I start walking faster and finally walk out of the agency. I start walking down the street and turn around again and I see the same guy. I wait at a bench to pull out my phone and call an uber. I try not to seem scared. The man comes and sits on the bench behind me, while I was on the phone. I nervously look around. After a while the uber gets here and I quickly get in trying to close the door behind me but I fail
because the man is trying to get in. I quickly scoot over instead of trying to push him out so I don't freak out the uber driver. It was a very quiet ride. Instead of telling the uber driver the apartment complex I tell him to drop me off at the park near by. On the way there I text Minho  just to be safe.
                                  Minho :)

                                                       <Minho can you
                                       come home earlier today?
<of course is there something
                                                  <Kind of there is a
                                  Guy following me so please
                                                 come home quickly
<Alright i'll be home in
5 minutes be safe seungmin
                                              <Thank you minho ill
                                                            be at the park


Minho's POV

Seungmin just texted me that a random guy is following him so I cancel the shoot till tomorrow so I can leave as soon as possible. Once I get my original clothes on I run out of the agency and run to my car. I put the keys in and drive off to the park nearby. Once I get there I get out of the car and run trying to look for Seungmin. I run until I find Seungmin with a man. The man is holding Seubgmin by the waist while Seungmin looks obviously uncomfortable. Once I see them I get furious. I start stomping my way over to where Seungmin is.

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