[S1Ep8] Dog Days of Summer

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A/N: Here we go, the last episode before the two-part season finale! This one's just gonna be a wholesome silly episode before we dive straight into the ANGST. Did you think I was lying when I said there'd be more? HA! You all know me better than that.

No but for real, I'm excited for you guys to read it. In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy this one 'cause it introduces us to a new character! Been waiting forever to include this new lil guy and now it's his time to shine!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gnomeo & Juliet or any of its characters. I only own my OCs.

This episode is dedicated to Wenwig for being an active member of the fandom and for being so encouraging about my writing/art. I hope you enjoy this episode!

And with that, let's begin.

(Scene One)

(Late in the evening, all of the gnomes are posing in their respective spots in the garden. Gnomeo and Juliet are standing on their display in their poses. Both of them frown nervously as they stare ahead at the back door)

Juliet: (quietly) Oh, no.

Gnomeo: (wearily) This can't be happening...

(Shroom slightly hides his head behind Gnomeo)

(Nanette holds her mouth open as water pours out into the pond. Her eyes shift sideways as she starts to frown. Paris, standing close by her, frowns as well as they both stare at the back door)

Paris: (whispering fearfully) Please tell me it's not true!

(Lord Redbrick, standing atop his step, narrows his eyes in disbelief. Lady Bluebury, standing below him on the ground, gasps and covers her mouth)

Lord Redbrick: (disturbed) I don't believe my eyes.

(Benny trembles and whimpers nervously, slowly backing up to hide in a bush. Fawn lowers his ears as the goons attempt to run away, but end up bumping into each other and tumbling over. Fawn harshly bumps his hoof against goon 1)

Fawn: Hey, keep it together, guys!

Goon 1: (dramatically) How can we keep it together?! This is the worst thing that could've ever happened to us!!

(Rosemary, on her swing, narrows her eyes curiously. Lucia and Niles, standing close by, just stare at the back door in confusion)

Niles: What the heck is happening?

(Lucia shakes her head)

(Cut back to Gnomeo and Juliet, who grow more worried as a shadow in the back door's window comes into view)

Gnomeo and Juliet: (in unison) The Capulets got a—!

(The door then opens, revealing a light brown beagle standing in the doorway. It barks and rushes outside into the yard. The gnomes quickly smile and hold their poses. Mr. and Mrs. Capulet take a step onto the porch)

(Opening episode title: "Dog Days of Summer")

Mrs. Capulet: Ah, he sure is a cutie, in't he?

Mr. Capulet: I can't believe some monster would just leave a poor little fella like him on the streets.

(The dog barks and runs around the yard. He comes up to sniff a couple flowers, then bolts away and circles the birdbath)

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