[S1Ep7] Finding Niles

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A/N: Yes the title is a reference to Finding Nemo. Congrats on figuring that out lol

Well as we get closer to the season finale, I'd like to go ahead and assure you all that if you'd like to or have already made headcanons for the triplets then have at it! I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas for them, I'm all for it! Just remember that these characters are minors so whatever you come up with, keep it sfw!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gnomeo & Juliet or any of its characters. I only own my OCs.

This episode is dedicated to ZacEfron16 who's been so supportive of this series and my other G&J works. Thank you so much for all your votes and comments! Your appreciation is what keeps me going!

And with that, let's begin!

(Scene One)

(A water droplet falls from a leaf on the tree. The gnomes are all wandering about in the garden. Lucia, Benny, Shroom, Nanette, Paris, Fawn, and a few other gnomes are playing a game of soccer in the grass. Lucia kicks another goal and pumps her fists, while everyone else just sighs in annoyance)

Lucia: WOO! Take that, losers!

(The ball rolls back to her as she stops it with her foot)

Lucia: Alright, who's up for another round?

Paris: Not me.

Nanette: Yeah, count me out, too.

Lucia: What?? You can't seriously be tired already.

Fawn: Sorry to say this, kiddo, but it's not because we're tired.

Lucia: Come on, just one more round! (looks over at Benny) You'll play, won't you, Benny?

(She kicks the ball at him. Benny nervously steps aside, allowing the ball to roll away. He sighs and gives her an awkward look)

Benny: Sorry, Luce. But I've got to...scrape mold from the pond! Heh-heh, yeah. So...

(He points his thumbs in a random direction and walks away. The rest of the group disperses. Lucia huffs and crosses her arms)

Lucia: Lame-os.

(The ball rolls through the grass, but is soon stopped by Gnomeo's foot. He looks at Lucia with a raised brow)

Gnomeo: Playing some football, I see. Mind if I join?

(Lucia smiles, then smirks cockily at him)

Lucia: Sure. But I gotta warn ya, I'm not gonna go easy on you.

(Gnomeo chuckles and kicks the ball back before walking over to her)

Gnomeo: I wouldn't get cocky just yet. I happen to be an all-time champion at garden sports!

Lucia: (scoffs) You're on, old man!

(They get into starting position, playfully staring each other down. Lucia swiftly kicks the ball forward, prompting them both to chase after it. Gnomeo catches up to the ball and starts leading it the opposite direction as Lucia follows closely. Lucia giggles mischievously as they run side-by-side and lightly shoves him aside, taking the ball for herself. Gnomeo laughs and shakes his head, chasing after her)

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