[S1Ep2] Cracking Up

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A/N: So I made this little layout of the garden to give you guys an idea as to what it looks like. It's very half-assed and it's not entirely accurate but if it helps you visualize where everything is then it's done it's job lol. I'll probably re-draw it another time to add more detail and label where everyone is positioned. In the meantime I hope it helps.

Disclaimer (again): I do not own Gnomeo and Juliet or any of its characters. I only own my OCs

This episode is dedicated to my bestie D12NEY-Atta for no reason, I just want to show her some appreciation. Anyway, on with the show!

(Scene One)

(Peaceful, uplifting music plays as the morning sun shines over the gate. A car pulls out of the driveway and onto the street, driving away. The pig and rooster weathervanes give their signal to the gnomes in the backyard, and they all start to move from their positions)

(Opening episode title: "Cracking Up")

(The gnomes all walk aimlessly around the garden, some chatting amongst themselves. Everything seems to be at peace. Gnomeo and Juliet sigh happily as they remain sitting on their display, enjoying the serenity)

Juliet: Finally, a peaceful morning.

Gnomeo: Tell me about it. It's nice to have a day where nothing crazy happens whatsoever.

(A loud thump is heard on the other side of the garden, causing Gnomeo and Juliet to flinch)

Benny (offscreen): Lucia! Get down from there!

Lucia (offscreen): NEVER!

Gnomeo: (wearily) I knew it was too good to be true.

(He and Juliet hurry down the steps and run over towards the garage, where Benny, Niles, and Shroom are gathered around, looking up at the roof. Gnomeo and Juliet join them and gasp, seeing Lucia sitting on the roof, dangling her legs off the edge)

Juliet: Lucia! What are you doing?! How did you get up there?!

Lucia: (nonchalant) I shimmied.

Gnomeo: Well, get down! You're gonna get hurt!

(Lucia scoffs and bats her hand)

Lucia: No I won't! I come up here all the time.

Benny: (to Gnomeo and Juliet) I swear this is news to all of us.

(Gnomeo shakes his head and looks up at Lucia, glaring)

Gnomeo: (demandingly) Lucia, get down here now!

Lucia: (shrugs) Okay, if you say so...

(Everyone's eyes go wide as she stands up and jumps off the roof. Gnomeo gasps and quickly runs to her, holding his arms out. Lucia crashes on top of him and the impact sends both of them onto the ground. Juliet covers her mouth, while the rest of them cringe)

Juliet: (worried) Are you two alright?!

(Gnomeo groans as his face is against the concrete. Lucia sits up, smiling, completely unfazed by the impact)

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