"Thank you, Tyler."

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Carlos' pov:

Tk drove us to the firehouse and we got out, walking upstairs to the table where everyone was getting breakfast.

It was kinda odd, going up there with all the firefighters, and being a cop. Then- there was the way Tk's dad looked at me. He gave me a look that said, "I know exactly what you're up to, so watch your back."

I cleared my throat. "Good morning, Captain Strand." I said, purely trying to start a conversation.

"Morning, Officer Reyes." He said it with a tone that made me scared, but I didn't let it show.

I cleared my throat again, nervously this time. "How uhm- hows your morning so far?"

"Listen, Carlos-" he started, but Tk interupted, saying; "Woah- dad. Calm down. He just needed a ride to work, thats all."

"Thats all" right, of course that was all. Thats why your shirt barely covers the hickeys on your collarbone, right?"

I resisted the urge to laugh. The fire captain looked me from head to toe and sighed. "Fine. Carlos, would you like some coffee?"

"Yes please, that sounds nice." And I pulled out a chair, sitting down in it. Tk sat next to me.

After a few minutes of brewing it, Captain Strand sat a cup of coffee in front of me. I took a sip, its pretty gross. But I'll drink it gratefully nonetheless.

As soon as I went to put the cup in the sink, the fire alarm went off. "So where do I go? I don't have a cruiser..."

"Just get in the truck with us, odds are they'll need a cop on scene anyway." That was the captain again. So, I climbed in the truck with the firefighters.

A female firefighter looked at me, then at Tk  and pulled out her phone, starting to text someone.

Tk pulled out his phone a couple moments later and exclaimed, "Marjan!" and he shoved her playfully..

"What? I'm just simply stating- that- he's-"

"Marjan. Shut. The. Fuck. Up."

"Fine, fine."

I looked at Tk, confused.

He just laughed, "Don't worry about it."

We pulled up to the scene and it turned out to just be a small car crash. Typical, just a car crash.

We all got out and Tk stretched. I couldn't but smile at him, but shook it aside.

He'd walked over to assess the damage if the cars and concluded it was nothing serious so, he walked over to the drivers who were arguing, I figured this was what I get payed for, so I went over to them too. "Hey, Tk. This is my job, let me handle them, alright?"

He nodded and took a couple steps back.

"Sir, please step away from the woman. I assure you yelling at her isn't going to do any good."

"Fuck off, dickbag. I'm just trying to ask her why the fuck she drove in front of my car."

"You rear-ended me, asshole-"

"Ok, sir, this isn't going to get you anywhere, please step back."

"I told you to shut the fuck up. Let me talk to her."

He was starting to piss me off. "No. I said to step back. Now, step back."

"Shut up, faggot."

That- that was offensive. I couldn't help but just stand there, slack-jawed.

"Excuse me- what did you just call him?" That was Tk, who was now storming towards the man.

"Tk- stop- its-its fine."

"No, its not. Now, what the fuck did you say?"

"I called him a faggot. Whats the problem, he is one. So why defend him?"

There was a flash of anger in Tk's face before he punched the man square in in the jaw. "You fucking piece of shit. He didn't do anything wrong, he was literally doing his job, you idiot."

The man retalliated with a hit to Tk's nose, which sent blood dripping down his chin.

Tk pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt and hit him in the jaw again, but this time, there was an audible crack.

"Tk-Tk, you really need to let him go- Now, I have to 1, get an RA unit- and 2, take you to thw station in cuffs-"

Tk wiped the blood from his nose with his thumb. "He deserved it."

As much as I didn't want to admit it, he did. And god it was hot that Tk had done that for me.

I glanced behind me to see if anyone was watching, but decided that there wasn't anyone looking, and pulled Tk in by his hips. "Thank you, Tyler. That was sweet." And then I leaned in to kiss him.

He kissed me back and wrapped his around my neck. Once he pulled away from the kiss he smiled at me. "Anytime, Carlos."

[Authors note: Tk protecting Carlos: 😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🤩🤩
I love Tarlos so much- Also, sorry for the shirt chapter lol. The next one will be longer, I promise.]

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