"...and all I know is his name..."

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Tk's pov:

It was a slow day. I didn't really mind slow days. Or- I didn't mind them anymore. Not since I'd been with the 126. We make the most of all our time together. Because afterall, we are a family here.

I talked to Michelle about the cop and she said that she knew him well. I asked her what he was like and I'm afraid she caught on that I was interested. She kept laughing about it until finally, she invited me over and said we could talk about him when I went to her house.

"Hey, dad." I said, walking up to him.

"What is it?" He asked, taking a drink of his protein shake. He always had one of those. Well, that, coffee, or tea.

"I'm going to go to Michelle's after work, do you mind to drop me off on your way home?"

"Of course not. But, why are you going over there?"

I felt heat climb my cheeks. "Uhm- I was going to- uhm- we were-"

"We're going to play poker. He said he was good and I want to challenge that," Michelle cut in, saving my hide.


"Oh, ok. Well, I could play with you guys."

"No, thats alright. Just me and Tk. Just paramedics." She said winking playfully at my dad.

"Fine. We firefighters don't like you guys anyway." He said playfully back.

Michelle laughed at me and walked back to the rig, continuing to refill the bandages.

I sighed and sat down. "This boy has me head over heals for him and all I know is his name..." I thought dimly to myself.

The rest of the shift drug on for what felt like forever until it was finally time to go home.

I was walking towards my days vehicle when Michelle stopped me.

"Just get in my car, I'll take you. Go on home, Owen."

I stopped and looked at Michelle, then at my dad. "Are you sure? He can take me, it's no big deal."

"Nope, I don't mind. Get in." She insisted as she climbed into the drivers side of her car.

"Alright. I'll see you later, dad."

He nodded and waved at me, climbing into his car and driving off.

I got in and put my seatbelt on. "So... why did you want me to go with you?"

"Because, it would be quite out of your dad's way to drop you off, and I really don't mind."

"Oh. Alright." I replied, turning my head and looking out the window.

It was only a matter of minutes until we arrived at her house. There was already a car in her driveway but I figured she must share the house with someone.

She killed the car and got out, walking up the stairs onto the porch. I, ofcourse, followed close behind her.

She stepped in and went to turn the light on, but it already was on. "Carlos... You weren't supposed to beat me here."

"Fuck. Why is he here? I mean, I'm not dissapointed...he just- makes me nervous, I guess." I thought to myself.

"Yea, well, I was excited, so to speak." He said, standing up and walking towards us.

He was, really hot. And I'd seen hot guys before but damn... he was really hot.

He walked up to me and smirked ever so slightly, "Hey Tk," he said, awakening me from my thoughts.

"Hey Carlos. What are you doing here..?"

"Well, I assume the same thing as you, Michelle invited me here."

She planned this all along... I should have guessed it. I didn't know whether to be greatful or upset, so I just laughed. "She knew exactly what she was doing., didn't she?" I asked.

"Yea, she has a knack for that. But hey, I guess we can thank her for the time together hm?"

I blushed, slightly, but I felt the heat in my cheeks. "I guess so."

"So, why don't we use it to get to know each other, what do you say?"

"That almost sounds like flirting, officer Reyes." I said smirking to myself.

"Well, maybe it is..."

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