chapter twenty one

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I was zoning out all of class just thinking about my visit with my dad, and how relieved I was it didn't turn into a total shit show.

Our duo projects are due next week and Milo and I have been working on it nonstop. I'm actually really proud of it. I also enjoy getting to work with him on it. It's so cute seeing his passion in the subject. We have the same passion for this career path, and the project couldn't be going any better.

My day dreaming was soon put to a stop by the sound of our class doors bursting open and the dean attempting but failing to quietly call my name to come down.

The whole class was looking my way, some were whispering to their friends. Milo gave me a confused look but I was just as lost so all I did was shrug.

I have no idea what the dean would want with me. Not like I have the motivation to break any rules.

recommend playing the song now

I grabbed my things and made my way towards the tall middle aged man. His face had a look of concern and sadness.

Well this can't be good.

"Good morning!" I smiled.

"Morning Ms Branson, would you follow me please?" He led me out of the room with his hand on my upper back.

Okay I'm getting a little worried. We were now in the cleared out hallway, the new air hit my face, it was refreshing to get out of that classroom.

"It's your father." He stated solemnly.

My father? What could he possibly need to tell me about my father?

"Uhm, what about my father?" I questioned, my eyebrows raised in confusion.

"There's been an accident Ms Branson, I'm terribly sorry. Your mother is at the hospital now."

My cheeks started to burn and my stomach suddenly felt like my insides were turning into a knot.

"An accident?" My voice cracked. "What kind of an accident."

The dean looked at me with sorrowful eyes, "I'm sorry, I am not allowed details Nicole." He patted my shoulder and then turned to leave the long hallway.

But I was just with him. I just got him back. What does he mean accident. I couldn't focus on anything other than finding out what had happened. My mind was going a mile a minute with horrible thoughts.

I ran at a full sprint to my car with tears streaming down my face while everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

Once I made it to my car I rushed as fast as I could to the local hospital.


I pulled in to the packed parking lot and didn't slow down until I reached the receptionist.

"I need to see John Branson." I practically shouted.

"Relation to the patient?" She spoke sternly while typing onto her computer.

"I'm his fucking daughter, Now tell me where to find my damn father!" I was full on yelling at the poor lady by now. I almost felt bad but I'm in no mood to be questioned.

She looked up from her computer, completely taken aback. "Room 302."

I continued at the pace I've had since I found out the news.

I reached his room and he was laying in a hospital bed covered in dried blood and bruises. He had a tube in his mouth along with his head wrapped in white bandages and he was unconscious. I looked over to the corner of the room where my brother and mom were crying.

"Mom what happened?" I cried out.

"He was in a car crash sweetie." My mother answered, barely holding onto her composure.

"No, no, why isn't he awake?" I shouted.

"He isn't coming back Nicole." She sobbed.

"No that's not possible. He was fine yesterday! He was fine, how does this happen." I fell to the ground.

"They did everything they could to fix his brain but the hernia already caused too much damage baby, he's gone."

"But he's right here! He breathing! I can see him breathing." I sobbed.

"The machines are breathing for him." She broke down.

"No no that's not possible." I let out a scream that I had been holding in since the moment I heard the news. A scream filled with so many of the emotions I was feeling right now: Agony, desperation, sadness, anger. I was feeling too much and I wanted it to stop.

"He doesn't get to die, no. He just came back. He just came back!" The tears wouldn't stop falling.

I got up from my knees and went to his bedside. "Why did you do this? DAMNIT. Why did you do this. No you don't get to die, you don't get to be let off the hook this easy." I tapped his hand, "Come back! Come back now."

The grief I was feeling was too much. I can't handle this. He can't be gone. The last thing I said to him was how I'd hate him if he left again. He died thinking I was going to hate him. This isn't fair. This isn't fucking fair. I can't take back the things I said. I can't do this.

"Just wake up! Open your eyes!" I tried shaking his body, but it felt so lifeless. He felt so limp. "DAMNIT!"

I crumbled to the floor again and cried until there was nothing left. I cried until everything was numb.

This isn't fair.


thoughts ?

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