Chapter 4: Meeting the Superstar

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"So...Of what you want to talk about, uncle?" —please, bell, please, ring right now!

"Well, like you already know, I wanted to assign you a mission since last week but you kept complaining again and again so I haven't been able to give you the details. So I..." "To the point, uncle" —I interrupt him. I have always been direct, so please, do the same with me.

"YouareLoganLermannewbodyguard" —He rushed. What does he said? "Sorry, what did you said? I don't understood a shit." I told him ironically. Is that difficult to told me something I almost know completely?

He sighs "Do you know that kiddo from the movies of the kid, son of a God? He asks. Does he's talking about Logan Lerman? What he does have to do in this conversation?

"Do you mean Logan Lerman?" I ask "Why he have to do here?" I crossed my arms and frowned. I don't like the path of this conversation, not even a little.

"I see you aren't understanding at all..." he whispers. Of course I understand! I'm wiser that I show to my dearest uncle. "TO. THE. POINT. PLEASE" I urged. Curiosity is killing, that bitch...

He sighed again "Judge it by yourself... YOU CAN PASS, LOGAN!" he screamed in direction to the door...?

Oh shit. You gotta be fucking kidding me.

Logan POV

So after hearing the permission to enter, I did and found a tall girl of dark brown eyes and hair. God, you should have seen her face, it was priceless! If gravity permitted it, her jaw would be touching the floor.

Hold on.

A girl? Oh no...

"You gotta be kidding me" we talked in unison, then again when we pass our sights to Jeff, that raise his hands in defense.

"See, just follow me. I will explain you everything" he says and we both, the girl and me, nod.


Esther POV

"And that's the end of the history" Jeff culminated. There was a uncomfortable silent during exactly a minute until my laughter broke it.

"Does she already went crazy that fast?" I heard Logan whisper to Jeff. I would have got mad if I hadn't know he was right.

"OH MY GOD! Can I ask you a question, superstar? WHO THE HELL ON THIS WORLD IS THAT IDIOT TO DRINK A SIX PACK OF BEER AND THEN PUKE ON A GIRL HE HAS JUST KISSED?!" I taunted and started to laugh again like a seal giving birth.

"I'M THAT IDIOT AND... It wasn't a six pack..." it starts like a scream but ends in a mumble when he realizes he just called himself idiot.

"You are totally right! You, indeed, are an idiot and it wasn't a six pack. It was actually seven beers" I tease.

"Silly..." he mumbles. Sorry? What did he just said?

"Egocentric..." I continue.




"Puh-lease!" i protest "You don't even really think that!" I can be anything of what he has just said buy ugly. "Okay, you got me there, princess" he admits and smiles funny. Does he just say the word? Or did I mishear?

"DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT, YOU FAGGOT" I was going to throw myself into him but Jeff caught me while I was on the air "LET ME KILL HIM! UNCLE JEFF, LET ME GO!" I blurt out and Logan wide his eyes in realization "'Uncle'? You both are family?" he questions. My eyes grew wide, so Jeff's. "No..." we lied —technically- on unison. We aren't blood-related nor political so we aren't lying... at all.

"Jesus...Just sign the contract and then both of you can go. You will start tomorrow, just please don't take out your eyes during this whole month" he shrugged. Excuse me?

"A MONTH?! TOMORROW!? WHY ALL THAT TIME?! Is just 21 of june!" i complained and Logan rolled his eyes then I punched him.

"She punched me!" acting like a little kid, seriously? I showed my "Are you serious" face and he stick out his tongue. Gosh.

"JUST SIGN THE DAMN CONTRACT!" My uncle's demanding voice made me shriek. I took the contract and started to read it carefully. Want an advice? Never sign a paper without reading it first (Very important laws rule, career I studied along criminology) I signed it, nothing out of order. I threw it to Logan and he frowned at me irritated, then he did the same as me.

"Perfect" said Jeff then we all left.

Gosh, this will be a reeeaaally long month.



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