Chapter 2: It wasn't my fault... Sort of.

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Logan POV

I'm sat in front of the police chief desk. I'm not here for committing homicide, robbing or any kind of crazy stuff... Sort of. I'm here because I will be assigned to some kind of bodyguard? Yup. A bodyguard. Just for this accidental commotion...? Scandal...? That I accidentally caused. Yes, I said 'accidental' two times. I just want to make clear this wasn't my fault nor was intentionally.

I just was at a party to celebrate my brother, Lucas, birthday, along with our sister, Lindsey... Until I reached some point in which maybe, just maybe, instead of drinking two beers like a maximum... I ended drinking seven. I know, not of my bests movements, but hey, it was a party.

Anyways, I was so drunk that when an unknown girl —that, by the way, was as drunk as me- asked me if we could share a photograph, the flash dazzled me and then I kissed her, just to seconds later almost puke on her.

Keyword? Almost.

Luckily, I didn't. Luckily, she didn't got mad the next day neither filed charges. And luckily, the media decided not to brag about it... If I had someone watching practically every of my movements almost the 24 hours.





I find it ridiculous, honestly. It was just a one night thing, it won't happen again, right? But my agent told me that if it happened one time, can happen second time, so prefers to not take the risks.

So now I'm here, waiting patiently until the chief, that is called Jeff btw, arrives and introduce me to my new babysitter. That's how I see it, I mean, I have fucking 23 years old. I'm an adult and I think I can control myself after that little inconvenient.

But no.

They so fucking insist with the bodyguard idea.

The sound of a door opening woke me up from my thoughts. It was the chief, Jeff.

—So, Logan Lerman, uh, your bodyguard is on the target shooting room, practicing.

—Target shorting?

—Yeah, like the arrows and stuff just that instead of the 'arrows and stuff' are guns and figures.

—Oh...-that's the only thing I said. But, honestly, it sounded interesting.-So... where is this 'shooting room' and stuff? —I joke. Jeff chuckles and shook his head.

—I wouldn't laugh if I was on your position —he jokes back- But —he pauses. Seriousness filling his eyes- Seriously don't do it. —the seriousness in the moment made myself feel nervous. Does my bodyguard is really that bad? —Hey, it was just a joke. Don't take it seriously —he chuckles. I nodded, not fully convinced, but what can I do?

—Well, are you ready to meet your new bodyguard? —he asks with a funny smile.

No, I'm not. —Yes, I am- the opposite thing comes from my mouth.

—Okay, then, follow me.


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