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Tw:Therapy like setting/conversations, coming out of the closet(ish?), euthanization of pets, anxiety, nail picking, voices, arguing, (unintentional) misgendering

Please note, I am simply shipping the Characters in this Chapter, not the C.C (Content Creators). Seeing as the marriage (Tubbo and Ranboo) is canon I decided to add some lovey giddy fluff here and there because why not. Again, this is the characters not the C.C!

It's been a week and Ranboo was finally heading to Puffy for the first session, he was quite nervous about it all. Having to open up to someone, she was a comfortable support yes but to vent and dump like he accidentally did with Phil and Techno, but that was different he was somewhat ok with it. 

Currently in tow while riding Tron, the broad stallion shire Techno gives him lessons on. A lead rope is linked to Phil's horse, dapple the white mare, normally Pete or Big Pete would be Phil's choice but the old guy has retired and since passed, not to long after Ranboos rant the elder horse went into Colic, he fell the hit his head breaking his nose. For the sake of Pete Phil ended his suffering and agonizing pain. The crow father has been down because of that, he wasn't his normal self to say the least, easily getting irritated or annoyed quicker, his patients is running at an all time low and he seems just more angry and aggressive then normal. Sometimes he paces back and forth like a wild animal in a small cage just wanting to break free. It got the teen worried, as well as Techno. Speaking of which, Dapple was connected to Carl while he was being ridden by the piglin.  The overall tension was making the boy uneasy, so to take his mind off of it he focused on what was now ruins of broken buildings. 

The trip was not as long as Ranboo had thought, or so it seemed. In all honesty the teen fell asleep not even after 15 minutes so when he was awoken by a gentle nudge he was a tad confused before looking at the clinic. The enderman gave a small nervous sigh and demounted, hitching Tron to a nearby fence along with Carl and dapple. He walked to the door and hesitated a moment before walking in, holding it for the two behind him which soon joined him. The ring of a bell echoed in the teens mind, just then the motherly sheep popped up from a neighboring room. "Ranboo a pleasure seeing you, as well as you two, Phil, Techno!" The Captain greeted, she was currently keeping a professional profile for the time being. Ranboo gave an awkward wave, scooting a bit closer to Phil. "You arrived a tad early so I'm going to quickly finish up with my current patient before coming to you, please do take a seat" The sheep offered, gesturing her hand over to a row of wooden chairs with wool stuffed pillows to sit on. The teen scooted over and sat down with Techno and Phil on either side. "Mate, you don't need to be nervous." The words went right over Ranboos head, in which he was currently stuck in. Out of habit he started to bounce his leg and play with his hands, rotating his ring and eventually starting picking at his nails. Phil threw a glance at his eldest, both of them shared concern but Technos only flashed through his eyes for a brief moment, still enough for Phil to pick up on. The angel stood up and got in front of the teen before crouching down, now taking the endermans hands into his own. "Ran, mate..Ranboo…Ender boy" The father called out to his son, who was stuck in a deep trance of anxiety and dread. Not even the crow fathers words brought him out of it, he glanced over at Techno, a silent plea. The netherfolk understood the message and adjusted a bit before wrapping his arm along with his cape around the teens shoulders. "Memory boy?" Techno attempted his own call out, but to no avail. This really got them worried. 

"This isn't a good idea, she'll think we are insane!" Ran muttered pacing back and forth. "I mean look at him, of course she will think that! This guy cripples down at any sign of stress then spirals into an anxiety or panic attack. Do you know how much those hurt my lungs?" Boo snapped at his opposite. "YOUR lungs!? Imagine how much it hurts THEM you selfish obsidian looking twat!" Ran hollered, pausing their pacing to star directly at Boo. "Well maybe he should think of how it can affect US!" The enderman sneered, taking a step forward towards Ran in which they stood their ground. "THEY wouldn't be thinking about that! He gets scatterbrained and starts to think of the worse case scenarios. WE ARE NEVER IN THAT EQUATION" Ran yelled, getting quite infuriated. "Will both of you shut up!?" Ranboo popped in finally with a sneer and hazy glare. The three of them were currently in a void like space in which they stood on an invisible floor which sounds like tile. "You don't even understand how it feels so why the hell are you putting your opinion into it!? Ran is the reasonable one here, I don't condone the yelling from them yes but they seem to actually see the bigger picture. Stop being so damn selfish and actually think of other people, it's not just you that gets hurt, Ran also does. Why do you think I try my best to come here and check up on them? I don't go to you because I know you will be mad." The enderman explained with a huff, his tail was slashing back and forth as he glared at the shadow-like figure. "Both of you, shut up and go your separate ways." He ordered, which triggered Boo to let out a low distorted growl. "You don't command me." He sneered, his eyes held an enraged look as if he was ready to snap at any point. "We are the ones in their head. We have to-" "SHUT UP RAN!!" The shadow-like figure yelled out loudly, whipping around to face one now fearful counterpart. Ranboo perked up, stepping in between the two. "Don't speak to them like that." The enderman hissed as their nails dug into their palms. "You don't tell me what to do!" Boo yelled, his rage still clearly present. "That THING always takes your side because you're the one who has control of the body!" 
"Thing..?" Ran muttered out meekly, tears began to well up but to Ranboos surprise no look of sorrow was present, only anger. "THING!?" They echoed stepping out from behind Ranboo now approaching the enderman side. "What else do you want me to say!? I mean look at you!" 
"I am NOT a thing you-.. YOU MONSTER!" 

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