The Dancing light's

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Narrator Pov:

Tech and Ranboo has been training for a few hours now. Phil has already went to bed since it's now dark.

-Meanwhile with Techno and Ranboo-

Both of them were covered with cuts and scrapes, and exhausted. Moonlight glitter on the snow, the sky was a dark blue with not a cloud in the sky, the stars were an array of whites blues and yellows. Techno looked over at Ranboo whose gaze was glued to the starry sky and chuckled. "Follow me, I gotta surprise for you." Ranboo tilted his head a bit then nodded. Techno led Ranboo up the mountain. "Did you want to escort me to my base or something?" Ranboo teased with a chuckle. Techno checked as well but shook his head. "No no no, look up." Ranboo followed Technos gaze. Its like time froze, a array of green purple and pink lights streamed across the littered with stars. His eyes shown as the wind blew lifting up wisps of snow. They marveled at the phenomenon as the streaks of lights danced in the air like a royal ball. The stars reflected in both their eyes as the watched. Techno wrapped his cape around Ranboos shoulder with one of his hands keeping his arm there. Ranboo smiled in response. The continued to watch the seemingly endless light dance in the sky. "I could stay here forever." Ranboo mumbled to himself. Techno chuckled lowly "Well you can't, its quite late." ", just a bit longer." Ranboo didn't realize how tired he was until Techno brought it up, his eyes grew heavy with a small yawn Ranboos eyes started to close. "Jeez, can you wait until we get back to the house?" Techno teased nudging Ranboo on the shoulder. The enderman nodded tiredly and took one last glance of the dancing lights and starry sky before starting his trerek back to the house soon followed by Techno. As soon as they walked into the door Ranboo got ready for bed, then ended up just sitting there. Techno noticed this and sat beside him. "Can't sleep or somethin?" He asked, Ranboo nodded in response. Techno chuckled a bit. "Miss your cats?" He teased. Ranboo chuckled softly "No no, just can't sleep even though I'm exhausted." Techno nodded and wrapped a arm around him. "Jeez you're such a big brother figure" Ranboos hand flew to his mouth. Techno began to stumble over his words. "I-I not, that- that did not mean anything alright? That dose not mean we are friends or anything alright- alright?" Techno placed his arm back to his sides. Ranboo looked down in embarrassment as did Techno. They sat in silence for a few moments before Ranboo drifted to sleep while sitting up still. Techno smirked and laid Ranboo down, then tucked him in before heading to bed himself.

Sunlight glittered threw the windows with a golden hue, Philza was already awake while Tech and Ranboo stayed asleep. Phil was in outside this morning, his wings have healed up well so he should be able to fly. Or at least glide, with a heavy sigh Phil crouched low to the ground and spread his large wings, they were black as the night sky tho sunlight shown threw a few holes in his feathers here and there nothing to worrying. He flapped his black k wings hard and pushed off the ground with his legs. He raised a meter of the ground before losing his balance and went tumbling to the ground. "Guess we have to go from the beginning again.." this was kinda a disappointment to Phil, he hoped he could fly as soon as his wings were healed. But he kept trying, and falling, falling and falling. It was about afternoon now before Philza got a idea. "How did my dad help me learn.." He thought.

A small young blonde boy with black wings was in a clearing, another tall man with grey wings and a bucket hat with green stripes was ingrown of him. "Now that you know the safety rules follow me alright?" The tall man spoke in a low calm tone. The boy nodded with excitement in his eyes. "Before you take off..." He crouched low to the ground before continuing. "Tilt your wings upwards towards the wind to touch can get lift" He did as he said and with a flap he was in the air. "Now when in the air, keep flapping at a steady pace." The small boy looked up at the man and tired, but falled, he tried again then stayed. He was now hovering, his eyes shown. "Dad Dad look I did it!" The boy squeaked. His father smiled brightly and hugged the kid. "I'm proud of you Phil!" He exclaimed and placed the hat on Phil's head.

Philza shook his head making the memory go blurry. He thought for a moment then crouched to the ground, tilted his wings up. With another heavy flap he was in the air, and stayed there. Philza chuckled, which soon turned to laughing as he moved around, he missed flying so much, and now he could fly once more. He flew up and up and up into the sky, then to the clouds. He looked around as the sun made the top of the close appear in different shades of yellows and oranges, he put a hand on his hat then flew up and around in a loop, he nose dived downwards, he spread his wings which slowed his descent slowly gliding back down the ground. With a soft thud he was back on the ground.

Techno had woken up by now and watched Philza. "You can finally fly again eh?" He called. Phil turned around to look at Techno. "Yeah! I missed it a lot!" Philza chuckled once more as he approached the porch where Techno was. "Your filled with scratches..Did you even get ready for bed last night?" Philza asked. "Hehe nope!" Philza laughed "Come on inside we go now." His father tone kicked in once more. Techno did as he asked, when they were inside they say Ranboo wrapping up a few scratches and scrapes. "Oh good morning you two!" He said cheerfully. "More like good afternoon" Phil corrected him. Ranboo and Tech o responded the same way with "Wait its already the afternoon?" Ranboo chuckled. "Jinx" "yeah yeah shut it ender boy" Techno teased.

~✨Time skip cause I'm lazy✨~

Techno and Ranboo were ready dressed for the day, but Ranboo was brushing Technos hair as he ate. "I never expected your hair to be this soft" He commented. "Well I take care of it" Techno paused for a moment. "Something the matter?" Ranboo asked, he was now braiding his hair. "Oh nothing, it's just that Wilber used to do my hair like this often.." The room fell silent, even Philzas soft humming from the other room. "I-I can stop..sorry-" Ranboo was cut off. "No no, it's fine. It's..calming" Techno said. Ranboo smirked and went back to braiding his long pink hair. After that all three of them got ready for a mining trip.

((Sorry if it's not the best, I've been quite busy with school!))

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