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Ranboo woke up to a snoring Tubbo and Michael in his arms. The enderman smiled as he looked down at the two, he looked at a nearby clock, the sun was directly in the middle. "Tubbo..Tubbo..Bee boy Hay." Ranboo nudged Tubbo a few times, Tubbo only replied with. "5 more minutes.." Ranboo chuckled softly. "Tubs, it's the middle of the day, we need to wake up." Tubbos eyes darted open. "Oh god we slept in!-" "Sh! You'll wake Michael" Ranboo placed a hand over Tubbos mouth. He sighed with relief as Michael didn't wake up. Ranboo stood and carried Michael to his bed and tucked his son in. Sunlight trickled through the trapdoor windows as the trees gently rusted outside. Suddenly Ranboo was shot with panic. "I need to get home, Phil and Tehni must-" "Stop blabbering and go already!" Tubbo chuckled, Ranboo nodded. "Bye Tubbo, bye Michael" Ranboo practically threw himself down the trapdoor and ladder. The enderman quickly put his armor on and started his speedy trek home. First was the trident transport, which he personally hated. Sure it worked but the feeling of being encased by water freaked him out. Once that was done he practically sprinted through the nether, another thing he wasn't fond of. When he went through the portal he was hit with a surprise, Technoblade was there...waiting for him. "Where were you?" He asked sternly. Ranboo froze, he didn't think this far ahead. "I got lost." He stammered "Is that what really happened?" Techno questioned. "Yes, I got lost and ended up in snow Ches-" "You were in SnowChester?" Technos expression dropped, he started to walk and signaled Ranboo to follow. He didn't want to, he wanted to freeze up or run through the nether portal again. With hesitation he followed the piglin man. "So he does have something to lie about.." Technoblade thought of all of the reasonable reasons and sceneries. "Phil, I got him!" He called, Phil swooped down. "Really? Ranboo where were you? Are you hurt at all, kid?" The enderman stayed silent and looked down. "Is there something I'm missing?" Phil's tone Suddenly got serious, making Ranboo tense up. "We all need to talk." Techno walked inside of his home, followed by Phil then Ranboo.

"Why were you in SnowChester?"
"He was in SnowChester?" Phil looked at Ranboo. 
"Yes he was..according to him." 
"I only got lost and ended up there! Tubbo offered-" 
"So you interacted with SnowChesters leader?" 
"Well yes but-"
"Do you realise that could cause issues for us?" 
"Yes but-"
"Do you realise that this could be considered a betrayal? We don't know a lot but if your going to SnowChester then-" 
"Its not a Betrayal if I'm not on your side!"
The room fell silent, Ranboo could feel the eyes were on him. His sharp and sudden yell caught Techno Phil off guard. "I'm not on anyone's side..not SnowChesters not El Rapids, not Tubbos. No ones, not even yours. I don't choose sides I choose people, you out of everyone on this SMP should know this.." Those words hurt Phil and Techno. It hurt Techno, the Technoblade, hurt by words. The room fell eerily silent. "I trust you guys, but I also trust Tubbo. We see each other as great friends. That's what I was going to say. Because he was being kind he let me stay there for the night." Ranboo desperately tried to wash the hurt from Technos eyes but to no avail. Ranboo turned away to leave. "Ranboo, wait." The enderman didn't listen, he left. 

He ran, and ran and ran. He would run until his legs gave in and gravity pushed the boy to the ground. But he didn't care, he was away form they're gazes, he was away from the eyes. Hes ears rang as he stood up, slowly. Ranboo looked around and realized where he was. He was at the shoreline were his panic room was, why was he here? Why did he run here? He looked down at the water...and dove in. The water seeped through his armour and burned his skin. Ranboo emerged from the water in the dark obsidian room that was lased with occasional crying obsidian. He looked at the hole in the middle and wall. "Why did I come back in here? Its just a bad idea." He turned to leave, but something, or someone was holding him there. "You're back." He whipped around to face this sudden voice but was met with a floating mask with a intimidating smile. "I thought I got rid of you!" Ranboo sneered. "You would have to get rid of yourself because I'm you after all!" The voice sang. Ranboo took a step back. "What.do.you.want?" "I just wanted to toy with you, and possibly some.one you love." The mask swirled around the defenseless teen. "Someone who you have a emotional attachment to...Someone by the name of Michael-" "DON'T YOU DARE!" Ranboo grabbed his axe. "Ah ah ah, if we get aggressive now, he'll be gone before I say anything." Ranboo froze and put away his axe. "Good boy, now. You know that Dream uses attachments to control people...Michael will only be a burden, a pawn." The mask circled Ranboo as the enderman stood there, terrified. "Dream cant so anything to him...Hes- hes in prison! He cant hurt him when hes in-" 

"But you can hurt him." 

Ranboos eyes shot open with a yelp. His cheeks burned. Tears? Was he crying? He looked around, he was still in Michael's room. Blood? The room was covered with blood. But where was Michael and Tubbo. "Micheal? Tubbo?" A sudden cry came from the corner, Micheals corner. "Michael what's wr-" "DONT.MOVE" Was that Tubbo? Ranboo turned and saw Tubbo. He was bleeding! Michael was in his arms with a huge gash over his eye. Blood dripped down from both of them, ranboo looked down and saw he was holding an axe. A bloody axe. He looked back over to his platonic husband and son. "WHY!?" Tubbo screeched. "I-I didn't mean to I-I-" "SAVE IT! YOU- YOU MONSTER!" Tubbo raised his sword and slashed at Ranboo. 

"WAIT I DIDN'T-" Ranboo choked back a sob when he saw sunlight. He looked to see Michael in his arms. He hugged him gently as tears burned him once more. Tubbo was still asleep on the arm of the chair. He woke up and noticed Ranboos bleeding cheeks. "Ran! What happened?" Tubbo tiredly got up and wiped away the endermans acid tears. "J-just a bad dream.." Ranboo stood up and carried Michael to his bed and tucked him in. He turned to face Tubbo. The room flashed back to the bloody, dark and terrifying version from his dream. Ranboo jumped back and shook his head. Tubbo quickly gave him a hug, all Ranboo could do is hug back as he listened to Tubbo whisper words of reassurance. But in the corner of his eye he could see the intimidating smile.


(Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed! Its currently 5 to 5 am so Imma sleep. Sorry if it was bad I'm currently tired. Anyway thank you again and see you in the next chapter- :) )

Panic | Ranboo timeline AuWhere stories live. Discover now