The wolves

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Tw: Voices, hallucinations(?), blood, paranoia, panic/panicking, and animal attacks.

Ranboo had done absolutely nothing since Techno rescued him from the nether. He didn't have the motivation, the enderman was also scared. He was terrified of all the things he's been seeing. "What if Phil and Techno ask more in depth about the hallucinations? What if they find out about the voice? What if-" The boys thoughts stopped when he heard someone walk into the fire lit room. He panicked for a moment thinking it was Dream because the smile was in his view, he snapped his head towards the door but thankfully the man he saw was winged, it was Phil. But wait, why was he here now? Shouldn't he be out collecting resources? Phil spoke up with a soft yet concerned tone of voice "Ranboo, you alright mate? You seem startled, did something happen?" The teen didn't respond immediately but a small yet noticeable frown now formed on his multi color face. "No no..Nothing happened Phil, you just startled me is all." Ranboo pushed the frown back down and forced a small smile, Phil however was not impressed. "Hm..Alright then, if anything is wrong you can talk to me and Techno. I know you know because I tell you everyday so I'm cutting straight to the point. Wolf packs have increased, so has the aggregation please be careful when you go out in the woods now." He spoke calmly but Ranboo new almost instantly knew why he was back. "Did you get attacked? Are- are you ok?" The teen rushed up to Phil and was filled with worry, Phil chuckled softly before replying with a reassuring smile. "Ranboo it's only a bite, I've lived out here for a long while now so I'm sure I'm fine." The enderman was still worried so he went to the nearby chest and got a potion of healing and went back to Phil, handing the red bottle to him. "Thanks mate." Phil gave Ranboo another smile. The winged man took his own arm and rolled up his sleeve to reveal a k-9 looking bite, though it was not bad to Ranboo's relief. The enderman got a cloth as well and handed it to Phil. Philza took the cloth and poured the potion onto the fabric then pressed to his arm with a flinch, only feeding Ranboos concern. The black and white teen gently took Phil's hand of his arm and placed his own hand there instead. "Phil maybe you should sit down for a bit?" The enderman suggested. Phil only shook his head. "The healing potion is all I'll need Ranboo, I'll be fine I promise mate. But I do appreciate the concern." The winged man gave Ranboo a warm and sweet smile which eased the enderman. "If you say so, but if you ever need anything just ask." Ranboo spoke with a soft and slightly hushed tone, taking his hand away from Phil's arm. The winged man smiled towards the enderman as a silent thank you, he's glad he's warming up to the arctic. When Phil had to bid adieu, Ranboo was left alone in the house again. 

"It's been a few hours...Maybe they are lost in the woods?" Ranboo thought, the enderman was staring into the dim blazing fire place. He hasn't bothered to put another log in since there was no point. Ran and boo haven't talked to way. He was confused but honestly he didn't mind the silence for once, it was peaceful for once. He didn’t have any worries, Phil's words reassured him that he was ok. The enderman didn't have any worries for techno either since he's a skilled fighter. Ranboo went onto pounder for a while, his eyes getting lost in the controlled flames. Somehow he managed to get onto the subject of family. "Did I have a family before I came here?..I know I had siblings but-..But what were their names? Who are my parents? What did they look like? Who are they? Are they looking for me? What if something happened to them? What if I'm really an orphan and my brain is just playing tricks on me? Would Techno care if I was an orphan..?" Ranboos thoughts were cut off when he heard his name?
"Ranboo, kid you alright?" It was Techno. The enderman shook his head slightly and stood up to face him. "Yeah I'm alright, just got lost in thought again." He explained with a smile, the piglin hummed and leaned against the wall. "Wanna tell me what you were thinking about?" He wasn't concerned to the endermans surprise, nor serious maybe he's just trying to start small talk? "Oh um, I was just thinking about my past..Mainly about my family." Techno hummed and fell silent for a moment. "Why don't you tell me about your family, yeah?" The piglin seemed to be interested in Ranboo's past, not even going over the fact he'd be an orphan. Even if he was, Techno would never lay a finger on him. "Oh alright..Well all I can really remember is that I had siblings and..A parent of mine dressed kinda like you actually and there would always be some sort of guard, either a shulker or an enderman.." Techno lifted his head as he listened. The piglin nodded signaling the boy to continue. "U-um...There were these really tall..Purple trees, but with no leaf's...Oh they also had fruit it was like a dust light purple with some white I think." Ranboo’s  mood started to ease into content and peace. He thought he heard a small whisper then sighed after hearing. "You mean the choras trees? Also the Yellowstone! Don't forget about the Yellow stones and giant obsidian towers! Oh and the Crystal's!" The familiar voice of Ran filled his head, Ran was often the one with all of the books. Though he would always have to go back and check to see if he was correct. Ranboo sighed and continued seeing that his brothers- Technos was still interested. "There was no water so other than the choras trees there was no plant life. The ground was a yellow-ish stone with occasional pebbles..There was also giant obsidian pillars that from a distance were invisible because of the void..There was always a..Gem like thing at the top, some were surrounded by bars." "You mean the end Crystals that” The voice of Ran trailed off into a muffle, that must have been Boo stopping Rans  blabbering, the enderman sighed and gave them a silent scolding but turned his attention back to his brother- no no no, Techno. “That's...all I remember..Oh wait the cities! There were these cities that were made from purpur blocks and- and there was a ship.” Ranboo eplainded stumbling over his own words of excitement, Techno hummed and was silent for a moment before standing up straight to face the boy. “You said there was no water, why would there be a ship Ran?” the enderman slightly sighed when he heard his shortened name, just on que Ran appeared. “You call..ed..?” The voice tailed off but fear was evident. “Ran what's the matter?” The enderman thought, throwing a glance to where he was standing, he was shaking like a leaf, Ranboo perked up and was now looking at him with concern and confusion, he was facing Techno eyes wide with terror. “E-eye..s th-thousands of eye-eyes..” he stammered, Ranboo tilted his head then sighed. "Ran take a deep breath, Boo-" His thoughts were cut off by Technos words. "Ranboo? Kid, what are you looking at?" The older asked ,slowly approaching the enderman. Ranboo shook his head and looked at his brother- mentor- he looked at the piglin with soft eyes. "Oh nothing, I was just trying to remember something, but I ended up remembering something I needed to do today! Sorry this conversation was short but I need to go Tech." The boy explained with a forced yet soft smile. The piglin hummed and nodded allowing Ranboo to stand up and walk to the door, but before the enderman left he quickly grabbed the long elegant light blue arctic  empire cape he was gifted and wafted it over his shoulders causing a slight gusts of air to move the fabric in a graceful motion of waves and flickers. "I'll be off now, it was nice talking to you. I'll be back soon!" He said cheerfully and closed the door.

The enderman rushed into the woods begging Ran would follow. "Ran..Ran!" He called out in a hushed tone. The white figure appeared with his eyes wide and still jittery. Ranboo sighed and went over to his other half and hugged him, well attempted to, but he only fazed through the terrified figure. "Boo...Calm him down." He spoke in a hushed tone, the black as night figure appeared and reached out for Rans hand gently taking it before slowly fading off into nothingness. Ranboo sighed and continued his walk through the dense spruce woods. The air was crisp and with every breath the usual sharp intake of the pins and needles sensation in his lungs was present. The snow was light and fluffy so his footprints were quite visible and with every step a soft crunch was heard along with the soft gusts of wind that picked up a wisps of the feather light snow. It was quite peaceful with the occasional bird calls heard from in the didistance.

He kept walking but something caught his attention, the echo of a wolf howl. Ranboo was not alarmed, it was echoing so the wolf was quite a distance away from him. But what startled him was the responding howl, it drifted through the now tense air. It was loud, long, and close. "Loud, long close...The pack could be regrouping? Or was it a hunting howl..? Agh can't remember
." He thought, the teen slowly lowered himself to the ground but in a crouch so the snow wouldn't melt against his touch and possibly burn him. It was best not to disturb the wolf for many reasons, he heard soft footsteps but he was relaxed. The soft sound of the crunching snow was moving away from him, he thought he was in the clear so he stood up. But suddenly from a nearby Bush he heard the worst sound, a low deep growl. 

Ranboo jumped then stumbled forward, tripping over his own feet he collided with the ground with a yelp as flurries of snow were thrown into the air. Before he could react he felt weight push him back down to the ground followed by flaming pain in his back. Ranboo screeched like an enderman hoping to ward off his furry attacker but to no avail, with his little strength he went onto his back to face the snarling wolf. He kicked it in its belly stunning the dog, this gave him the chance to push it off. The teen rose to his feet as another wave of pain flooded through him, he couldn't see how much his back was bleeding but by the now crimson stained snow he could tell it was bad. His vision grew fuzzy but only for a moment, he pulled out his sword and held it with shaking hands towards the wolf. The dog rose to its feet with a slight limp, she growled at Ranboo before turning her head to the Bush the enderman was just by. Then he heard something, whimpers and cries of..pups? This wolf was a mother just protecting her pups, no wonder the wolf aggression was rising and the mother was being protective. Ranboo got the message when she snarled again and went down to lung. With the little strength he had he turned his head and walked away limping. With every step another wave of pain flooded through him, the walk felt like it would drag on forever.

He kept on walking and walking, but finally after 5 long minutes he say the tree line. His vision was blurred and the enderman was dizzy, he was about to reached the end but darkness engulfed the teen and he fell to the ground with now response.

Phil was doing the usual practicing his flying skills, he was near the newly built dog hut and softly landed on top. The crow father noticed something odd about the dogs, they were stirring and barking. The winged man grew curious and glided down to the entrance, something was definitely wrong. Most of the dog's fur was raised, a clear sign of discomfort and distress. A small grey and white wolf dog walked up to the entrance and looked up at Phil whimpering. The winged man was still confused but a idea popped in his head, he opened the gate and allowed 3 dogs out. Just as he suspected they ran in a pack formation towards the woods.

Phil had to fly to keep up with the racing hounds, suddenly the lead dog can to a stop the crow father was caught off guard and almost whizzed past them though he titled his wings slowing himself down. He rushed over to the group and looked around not seeing anything at first. That's until the grey and white wolf dog whimpered once more and started to walk forward, the other cautiously walking behind the wolf. "What is it Wish?" The winged man spoke in a hushed tone, following beside the dog. That's when he looked down.


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