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[Izuku POV]

The first 4 months of training was all about gaining muscle. I was told to do 100 laps around the 50 meter long clearing we were in as a warm up, and then I would climb each tree along the border and do 500 pullups on a sturdy branch, 500 pushups once I got back down, run the 100 laps again, do 1,000 squats, do all of that again until Mr. Aizawa finally tells me to hold a plank until he was done grading papers.

I had moved into Mr. Aizawa's apartment and I bought several weights with the money he forcefully made me spend. I use them to keep up the muscle gain. I did retrieve my stuff from the roof and from my old house. It was strange leaving my childhood behind. I was going to miss the good memories there, but I'm going to make even better ones with Mr. Aizawa!!

The next months were focused on fighting techniques.

Krav Maga was the first one. Mr. Aizawa taught me the most basic of basics and then started to full on attack me. The only way to prove that I mastered the fighting style was if I tired him out enough. It took me to the last day of the month to get him tired enough. I added a quick note that Eraserhead had great stamina in a quirkless fight.

Muay Thai was next. I learned this one faster than Krav Maga, but I still cut it close to the next month.

Sambo was the 3rd fighting technique. I learned it near the same time as Muay Thai.

Lethwei was the 4th. I learned it almost near the middle of the month, which was exciting!!

Finally, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was the last fighting technique I learned. It took me half a month to learn!! But the fun challenge after that was that I had to defeat Mr. Aizawa. That was not fun... It took me a whole month to even come close!!

The rest of the final month was figuring out, creating, and testing what I could use as support gear. So far I finished smoke bombs, a multi purpose staff (will need upgrades), and iron soles for my shoes. I'm currently working on a mask that lets me modify my voice and can call whoever I want (as long as their contact is in my phone), gauntlets to help strengthen and cushion punches, and adding jets in the iron soles to make me faster.

It's the day right before the entrance exam and I'm connecting my mask with my phone.

"I just need to put all of my phone's data into the mask and it'll be good to go!! Then I can continue working on those gauntlets and maybe start on that jetpack I was thinking about!!"

Knock!! Knock!!

I turned around in my chair to see Mr. Aizawa standing in the doorway.

"For today, you should have some fun," he told me. I was about to protest, but Mr. Aizawa held up his hand. "This may be your last chance at having fun before UA, even if you won't get the results for at least a week..."

I sighed, knowing that Mr. Aizawa wasn't going to be persuaded.

"Can I at least finish connecting my mask to my phone?!" I pleaded. Mr. Aizawa nodded and walked away, probably to take a nap. I turned back to my work station and began the process.

Sorry if this was boring, but I promise something 'special' is going to happen next chapter!! PLUS ULTRA!!!!

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