1. Kaer Morhen

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That incident had left Geralt with yet another deep scar. The ones women always asked about without understanding. Sure for him, it was normal. He is a witcher. He will fight monsters, kill them and leave with scars. And he will do so until it is his time.

Now, three weeks later, he rides Roach through a forest, attempting to reach Kaer Morhen by nightfall. Winter is creeping back through the shadows, and the cold wind is bringing back the ice. His white hair flows through the wind as Roach gallops over stones and roots, the mountains now visible in the background. The closer they get to Kaer Morhen, the safer Geralt feels. Geralt continues to make his way to Kaer Morhen. He soon arrives at the entrance, dismounting Roach and tying him to a mast. The snow feels cold through his shoes and his hands are near to freezing into ice.

Geralt pays no attention to this and instead retreats from the stalls and steps towards the main entrance of his home. He grips the handle and pushes the door open, warm air blowing into his face. Immediately all men inside look up to see who is entering and they cheer at the sight of his presence.

"Geralt you old dog, you made it!" Lambert shouts, earning a couple of cheers from the others. He gets up and hugs Geralt in a rough manner. Geralt laughs and hugs him back: "I'm glad to see that you managed to return without bringing any women."

The men laugh. "You should see the two in his chamber, then." Eskel laughs, sipping on his pint. Lambert walks back over to Eskel and gives him a small slap on the back of his head. Geralt shakes his head in memory of all the stupid things they say and sits down next to Lambert.

"So, any news around here?" he asks, grabbing a piece of bread from the table. "We found Vesemir." Eskel says and it immediately catches Geralt's attention. Vesemir had been gone for many winters now, not returning. They had lost hope for him ever since his sword was found in the middle of a forest known for its Leshys.

"Is he alive?" he asks. "Barely," another witcher answers, "he was losing a lot of blood when I found him." Geralt turns his head to see Coën sitting on the edge of the fire pit. He rests his arm on his elevated knee and points behind him, to the hallway. "He's resting right now. But he hasn't awoken more than once since I brought him here." Geralt nods at this information and gets up from the table, his heavy steps echoing through the hall as he walks to Vesemir's chamber.

The door is slightly open and he peeks inside to see a now older Vesemir sleeping. His right arm is wrapped in bandages, as well as his left leg. "Hm." Geralt grunts, lowering his head and taking a step back. He turns away and makes his way to his chamber, but Eskel encounters him again.

"Geralt." he says. The White Wolf turns to Eskel and waits for him to be by his side before starting to walk again. "There's been a call." Eskel explains, "The King of Kaedwen is asking for the strongest warriors to help him." "What does he want with them?" Geralt asks. "He hasn't told anyone. But I'm sure it's to take down an opponent." Eskel and Geralt walk through Kaer Morhen's halls, their steps echoing off the stone walls. "And he expects one of us to be there?" Geralt asks, descending the step into the Witcher's basement laboratorium. He steps around the tables and grabs a few potions to prepare an elixir for Vesemir.

"We don't know. But we've all come to a conclusion." Eskel says hesitantly, scratching the back of his neck. Geralt looks up at him when he doesn't elaborate and frowns. "What is it?" Eskel hesitates and steps down to Geralt, helping him gather some herbs and liquids. "I- we all thought that, because you are the strongest one of us and frankly, have the most mutations and strengths, you should be the one to go look at what the King is suggesting. After all, we do live in his land."

Geralt scoffs at Eskel's comment and continues making the elixir, without paying attention to Eskel. The witcher gets worried and kneads his hands, waiting for the white-haired beast to answer. But the wolf is silent. "Geralt I-" Eskel starts, but is interrupted by Geralt. "Who's idea was it?" he asks coldly, "Who wants me to go on a messenger mission of boredom?" Eskel gulps and realizes that maybe he should have left this job for Lambert. But it's too late now.

"Mine." They hear a voice and turn to see Vesemir standing at the entrance, balancing himself on a stick. Geralt and Eskel rush over to Vesemir and help him down the step and onto a chair. "All right I got it." Vesemir pushes the two witchers away and takes a seat on a wooden chair.

Geralt sits down in front of him. "You want me to go?" he asks. Vesemir gives Eskel a look and he leaves the room. Then he turns back to Geralt and nods. "But I don't care about the King. What I care about, is the rumors I've heard."

"What rumors?" Geralt frowns, leaning closer to hear his mentor better. Vesemir lowers his voice: "There are rumors of a woman. Powerful and beautiful. But not a mage." Vesemir leans back into the chair. "They say she kills beasts for a living." Geralt lifts his chin at the comment. "Is she a threat?" he asks.

"No," Vesemir says, "the very opposite. I hope."

Vesemir gathers his strength and gets up from his chair. He sighs and looks back down at Geralt. "Will you go?" he asks.

Geralt nods and stands up, now looking down at Vesemir. The Wolf grew in the last few years, no one can doubt it.

"I'll be back next Winter." Geralt says and heads out of the laboratorium to the main hall.

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Hey friendss, hope you've enjoyed the first chapter.

I will try to keep the updates as frequent as possible, will however work when I feel like it.

Enjoy the rest of your week!



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