14. Tissaia

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"Geralt," the firm voice speaks and he shudders awake, batting his eyelashes open and looking up to see the mage standing over his figure. They had sailed over the sea from Oxenfurt to Thanedd and had been waiting for a safe passage into the school of chaos, hoping to be noticed by as few mages as possible. Stregobor knows of Geralt and Aderyn's partnership in travel, so if he knew where Geralt is, he might get to Aderyn more easily. Especially since Geralt now knows that she is somewhere in Cidaris, lurking about and hiding.

Carmen, however, the young and beautiful mage, who was lucky enough not to need any change to her appearance, is one of the best students Aretuza could ever hope to have produced. She excels in all aspects of chaos, whether defence, attack or the simple ability of healing. Carmen is recognized from afar because of her white clothing. No other colour does she wear, and never will she try to. Using chaos to her advantage, the hood over her head and fabric down to her feet is immune to the dirt and mud where she walks.

Her eyes are black as night, able to swallow you whole if you don't stay on guard. The power she carries on her shoulders is envied by many, and feared by the rest. But none wish to attack her- quite frankly the opposite. They praise her. And no one knows why. Some believe it is because she has saved a monolith from breaking before. Others fear that the elves have something to do with it. Carmen is respected and has helped many kingdoms rise to their full might.

She is not doubted. She is not hated.

And that is exactly what makes her so dangerous.

"They have opened the gates. We must go now if we wish to be unseen."

The white-haired beast works his way onto his feet with a deep grunt, grabbing his swords and swiftly following Carmen towards two black doors, surrounded by marble stone. There's a faint twinkle in the walls, the vibrating chaos illuminating the halls. Their steps are soft as they walk over the beige stone, passing torches and other mages.

The goal is to reach the medical wing- on the other side of the massive structure. There they will find answers. Or instead the bearer of answers. The powerful mage that taught many others to defend themselves, raised the women to be warriors but warned them that being strong is as important as being weak in the face of kingdom power. Ultimately, the king is the one who decides. And mages are simply there to assist- in all the ways the king wishes. Whether you like it or not.

The two are in luck- as far as they know, they have successfully passed through the echoey halls of Aretuza without being spotted by any of Stregobor's followers. Now they halt in front of tall black doors- the entrance to the phytology auditorium. Geralt and Carmen share a glance. He appreciates that she is helping, but at the same time questions her motives and doubts if he truly can, as she seems to display, trust her. Especially with Aderyn's life.

Carmen seems to use a secret knock when she hits the wood, and it is answered by what sounds like a whistle. The mage opens one of the two doors, demonstrating for Geralt to follow her. He does so, only to be met with a great room filled with growing plants. The smell is intoxicating, as many of the plants have vigorous gases they produce in self-defence. Before he can complain, Carmen offers him a small purple fruit.

"For the smells," she explains, and Geralt does not refuse. He bites into the small berry, tasting its bitter-sweet flesh. Immediately the odours vanish, and Geralt is left with only the smell of a rosy perfume, presumably coming from Carmen herself.

"You did not say you'd be bringing a guest."

A woman stands beside a tall bonsai tree, dampening its earth with a glass watering can. She looks young for a mentor, but Geralt had heard rumours that there was a beautiful mage who refused to join a kingdom and instead wished to teach. She was granted her wish. Her name is Tissaia de Vries. And she taught Aderyn.

"Things changed. Ryn's in Cidaris," Carmen replies, which makes Tissaia set her can down and step forward.

"Alone?" de Vries asks, to which Carmen nods: "As far as we know, yes."

Tissaia sighs, finally looking at Geralt: "And you were travelling with her under orders of the Kaedwenian King, yes?"

Geralt frowns: "We were separated from the rest of the group. Our goal was to track down Daeva. But then Stregobor appeared in Tridam, which put us off our path."

"When did you lose her?" Carmen asks.

"About a day after we left Tridam when Aderyn found out Stregobor had killed her brother, Daeva showed up and took her. She was poisoned. Somehow, though, she survived. I felt her presence when I looked towards Cidaris." Geralt tells the two mages what he knows and they seem to believe his words.

But alas, Carmen frowns at some of his words: "What do you mean, killed her brother?" The mage crosses her arms over her chest.

"Aderyn's brother, Declán," Geralt replies, "Stregobor claimed to have killed him. His intentions are clear. He wants to wipe out her whole line-"

"Because they are much too powerful," Tissaia interrupts. She brings her watering can back to the shelves and gracefully walks over to another section of the room where hundreds of flowers are growing. Geralt and Carmen follow her closely.

The mage walks to the back of the room and opens what seems to be a secret compartment. Out of it, she carefully reveals a book: "This was in Aderyn's posession when I first brought her to Aretuza. She said she had just left her home, and I am assuming she meant Kaer Morhen."

Geralt steps forward: "So it is true? She is a witcher and a mage?"

Carmen and Tissaia share a look before chuckling. Carmen turns to Geralt: "We thought you'd have found that out by now, witcher."

Geralt grunts and turns away, staring at the many plants. Carmen and Tissaia proceed to look through the heirloom to find clues. The witcher reaches a hand into his side pocket, revealing Aderyn's amulet, which he found where she disappeared. He stares down at it, thinking about what he did wrong.

"What is that?"

Geralt looks up from the jewel. The two mages are staring at him. Horrified and absolutely taken aback. The white-haired beast frowns, not understanding the fear they seem to feel. It is an amulet. Nothing more, nothing less. Why would they feel attacked by it?

"It's Aderyn's amulet. When Daeva's portal took her, she dropped it on the ground."

Carmen suddenly turns to Tissaia: "We can use it. I can trace the portal with the amulet and find out where Daeva is hiding. That devil is bringing hell to the whole continent, mage or not."

Tissaia seems to agree with Carmen because she uses a spell and the amulet vanishes from Geralt's hands, appearing in hers. The witcher begins to grow overprotective, but his words are silenced when he hears de Vries' voice in his mind.

"Go on. Carmen has done her job in bringing the amulet here. Now you go find Aderyn before Stregobor does. And take her to Caer Morhen. It's the safest place for both of you now. We will find Daeva."

The Witcher does not hesitate and turns around, stepping out of the botanical gardens, quietly slipping through the stone halls, past wooden doors and art. He almost reaches the end when an all-familiar voice echoes in his eardrums.

"Yes, yes. I know. I had to lie to the girl. If she knew Déclan was still alive, I'd have no access to her. You know how powerful the siblings are. There is no other reason they call them the torc'h (power)  siblings."


Geralt has to find Aderyn now.


hello dear readers!

It's been a while and I'm glad to finally present you with this part.

Geralt and Aderyn will reunite soon, and under better circumstances, I promise.

Have a wonderful Friday!



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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