Chapter 2

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That night the thick fog blankets the entire bay now, and the town. Only
Fort Charles is visible above it, set against a black sky. The moon gives both Fort and fog an eerie glow.

Inside the prison we see a mutt of a dog, a ring of keys in his mouth.

Four seedy-looking prisoners try to coax the dog to their cell door. One holds a loop of rope; another waggles a bone. The dog just sits and cocks its head.

Come here, boy ... Come here, boy ...

Prisoner 2:
...want a nice, juicy bone?

In an adjoining cell, Jack is seen reclining with his hat tilted partially over his eyes.

You can keep doing that forever,
the dog is never going to move.

Oh, excuse us if we haven't resigned
ourselves to the gallows just yet!

They go back to coaxing the dog as Jack smiles at this.

Estrella removes a bedwarmer from the fireplace, slides it between the sheets at the end of Elizabeth's bed.

There you go, Miss. It was a
difficult day for you, I'm sure.

I suspected Commodore Norrington
would propose, but I must admit,
I wasn't entirely prepared for it.

Well, I meant your being threatened
by that pirate. Sounds terrifying.

Oh. Yes. It was terrifying.

But -- the Commodore proposed! Fancy
that! That's a smart match, miss, if
it's not too bold to say.

It is a smart match. He's a fine man.
He's what any woman should dream of

Estrella catches the slip -- 'should' instead of 'would.'

Well, that Will Turner, he's a fine man,

Elizabeth looks at Estrella sharply.

That is too bold.

Begging your pardon, miss. It was
not my place.

She exits. Elizabeth tries to read, toying absently with the medallion chain around her neck, but her attention drifts from the book ...

The lamp flame suddenly drops: Elizabeth watches the flame goes
out, and the room goes black.

Cut to Will, who was wearing a leather apron, hammers a hot iron ingot fla, he then stops. He then moves to a window, opens the shutter, peers out -- nothing
but fog.

Deep in the fog, like a shark fin slicing through the water, a hull of a ship completely black was seen moving into port. The Black Pearl has come to Port Royal.

Cut to the Fort. A noose hangs from a gallows in the courtyard. Norrington and Swann walk along the far wall.

Governor Swann:
Has my daughter given you an answer

No. She hasn't.

Governor Swann:
Well, she has had a very trying day...
Ghastly weather, don't you think?

Bleak. Very bleak.

From the distance, there is a BOOM --

Governor Swann:
What's that?

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