Chapter 14(AWE)

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Night had covered the sky. Both ships were sailing in the open water. Jack was seen walking across the deck of HIS ship.

So, little Sparrow managed to get you all here with no problem.

Aye. Poseidon's Revenge was able to dive into the depths, and brought us here. I never knew it could do that.

I had my suspicions, how else do you hide an entire treasure hoard?

Gibbs' eyes went wide.

You mean he's hidden it here?

He asked with utter shock.

Of course he did. It's just a matter of where?

All that treasure! Hidden here?

Clever he is. 

They all nodded in agreement. 

So he can go back at will.... it's us that needs to find a way back.

Aye. Look to the charts we must to find the answer.

Truer words have never been spoken.

He said as he held up the charts.

On the Poseidon's Revenge Henry was gazing at the bow of the ship when suddenly he saw lost souls flowing in the opposite direction as the ships.

Bloody Hell!

Are those souls?

Yes. They should be in the care of Davy Jones. That was the duty he was charged with, by the Goddess Calypso.

How do you know this?

Tia Dalma told me. I wanted to know more about Davy Jones. He was tasked to ferry souls to the next world. And after ten years, he could come ashore to be with Calypso. But he became a monster. A heartless wrench. Did I go too far? I feel like I'm losing my mind. 

She wrapped her arms around him, and held him close.

No, don't talk like that. You're the man I love, you're just as charming, and kind as ever. You’ve just been put in a whirlpool of misfortune these last months. We just have to hope that there is something better just over the Horizon. Then we can chase that horizon when this is all over, we can take this ship, hit the breeze and never look back.

He turned to her and gazed into her eyes.

Thank you.

Isabelle then looks in the distance.

Are those boats?

On the Poseidon's Revenge a crew member is seen loading his rifle and Will stops him.

They’re not a threat to us. Am I right?

We are nothing but ghosts to them. It’s best just let them be.

They all watch the boats pass between them, on board the Poseidon's Revenge, Elizabeth was seen on the starboard side and looked to see a familiar figure, she smiled with joy.

It's my father. We've made it back. Father! Father, here, look here!

Very calmly Henry looked at Elizabeth and spoke.

We're still in the locker, Miss Swan. 

She had a terrified look on her face. She then turned to her father, whose boat was floating in between the Black Pearl, and the Poseidon's Revenge.

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