Chapter 3

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Today was Monday, I was in fourth period and the bell rang. Scarlett and I are walking to lunch. "I'm asking her out" I said softly. "Again?" She asked. "yeah why not?"

" many times is this try because she always rejects you." she said speaking the unspoken truth. When my mind drifts off I start to wonder. ~~Scarlett's a good friend and she's really pretty too. Maybe I should ask her out. Nah I like aimme, well Scarlett looks a lot like aimme and I think she'll say yes.~~

As I hear her talk more I interrupt. "Hey scar." "What would you say if I asked you out?" I smiled at her. "Well why I thought you liked Aimme" She said. "We'll like you said she'll never say yes and your nice and so do you?" I run my mouth.

"Um.... Well um sure" she says, yes! Okay we'll wanna like go on a date or something?" I ask "yeah text me after school okay?" "Alright" I see her walk into her friends and start to talk. I smile and look at my group. I see my friends Christian, Bailey, Dylan, Dani,Niall, and Aimme.


"Hey guys" Ben said as he walks towards are group and I ignore him and keep talking to dylan. "of course she likes you dyl I'm sure she does." I say "well we do roll in different crowds and maybe she doesn't like me like that."

"She does!!!! Ben doesn't Scarlett totally like Dylan" "I- um I- hey the lunch isn't waiting for us!!" He yelled. "Okay don't listen to him he's being weird" I assured him. But why was Ben acting weird

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