89-Paging Nurse Samantha

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Kailey💋: Hello my bestie!!
      Samantha🥂: Hi!! How are you feeling?
Kailey💋: I'm good. I had my last ultrasound appointment the other day.
    Samantha🥂: Wow. I can't believe that. How was it?
Kailey💋: It went well. Karissa did an ultrasound and took some measurements you know the usual lol.
   Samantha🥂: That's good! Of course the usual 😂. What all did she say about your measurements?
Kailey💋: The first thing she did was measure my bump to see what the "fundal height" was. She said I was measuring at 36 weeks and baby girl is around 18 inches long. She also could tell that baby girl was 6.5 pounds. I officially have about 4 weeks left of my pregnancy.
   Samantha 🥂: 🥺🥺
Samantha🥂: Aww! Are you thinking that she will end up being a big baby?
Kailey💋: I know it 💗
Kailey💋: I don't know yet haha. I mean I wasn't an overly big baby from what my mom has told me. I should ask Stormie what she thinks.
Samantha🥂: Oh yeah that would be good. I mean she did have 5 children.
Kailey💋: She sure did. I don't know how she did it. She is such an inspiration to me though.
Samantha🥂: Have you and Ross planned out how many children you wanted to have after baby girl?
Kailey💋: You know what we actually have. Since becoming pregnant with baby girl we have already been talking about everything family related. Right now we both want 1 more after baby girl.
   Samantha🥂: That is so sweet!
Samantha🥂: Oh and by the way...I have already talked to both of my bosses both at the hospital and in the FBI about taking off. They said that was fine and that I could have 2 weeks off to come and see you/prepare for baby girl arriving. 🤩
Samantha🥂: I'm actually on my flight back to D.C now.
Kailey💋: Ahhhh I am so excited to get to see you!! I will be counting down the days until you get here. Wow really?
Samantha🥂: I am so excited to be seeing you so soon. Same!! I've already put it in my calendar. Yes ma'am. We had a case in Seattle, Washington.
Kailey💋: That reminds me...Rydel and I need all of the details on you and your coffee cup that you posted about.
Samantha 🥂: That conversation needs to be in person. I have too many details to be spilling tot the 2 of you in a text/groupchat.
Kailey💋: Well okay then, but you better be spilling it all when you get here. Speaking of what day were you thinking of flying out here to California?
Samantha🥂: Oh of course I will tell you girls everything.
Samantha🥂: Hmmm I'm thinking I'll probably check what the flights schedules are looking like first. Maybe this Sunday? I don't know though.
Kailey💋: Don't be buying any tickets for flights missy. Ross is going to send a plan for you to come and pick you up.
   Samantha🥂: Are you sure? I promise I don't mind paying and finding a flight.
Kailey💋: GIRL you have been one of my close friends for a very long time and you are going to help deliver my baby. It is the least we can do for you. 🥺💗
Samantha🥂: I can't wait to help deliver that precious baby girl. 💗🥺
Samantha🥂: Awww, well you and Ross are just too sweet.

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