A Daring Rescue

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I couldn't decide between this title and "Following the Wind". Anyway! Let's see what our favorite boys are up to this time.

Words: 3,814


Ever since that fateful day, Merlin hasn't slept well. There was never a time he got so close to Camelot, he's feared the kingdom since he was only a boy. Some would argue that he still is, Merlin would roll his eyes at those people.

That night, he hadn't camped far from the border. Something inside kept him close. A pull, it felt like. Merlin had tried not to think too much about it. Just like the voice he heard calling his name. It's nothing, he'd repeated over and over to himself. Just lack of proper rest. That's all.

He ignores these things and travels to a close village. There's a sickness there that keeps him busy for days. He does try to make his talents...more discrete. If he can pass through a town and people think he's nothing more than a young, skilled physician, he counts that as a win.

Most are disbelieving when he tries to pass his skills off as knowledge. They look him up and down and scoff in disbelief. He is much younger than most physicians, he'll admit. But when those people turn their backs, he does roll his eyes.

He tries to reason that their disbelief only makes sense.

Yet another sleepless night under the stars. Merlin sighs loudly through his nose and sits up. There are still hours before the sun will rise, he notes. Annoyed by his inability to sleep, Merlin stands and rolls up his bedroll. He attaches it to his bag before starting towards the place he vowed never to enter.

Camelot looms in the distance. Merlin freezes at the tree line, his feet not allowing him to go any further. That is until he hears that voice. It sounds almost as if it's inside his head. Merlin squeezes his eyes shut and rubs them but the voice continues. It's calling to him.

With a single deep breath, the young warlock steps towards the castle.

The pull becomes stronger, leading him. He sneaks past guards, into a back entrance. Magic has never failed to open any door for him. Merlin is a little surprised to find two guards playing a game of dice. He'd heard of Camelot's dungeons, how well guarded and secure they are...Merlin shrugs and continues to sneak further underground.

Finding a torch, the warlock glances over his shoulders before continuing forward. The voice calls out to him, guiding him down a large stairway.

When Merlin enters the large cave under the castle, he looks around at the empty space. Or what appears to be empty. "I know you're there," He calls out, his voice echoing off the walls around him. "Show yourself."

The warlock hears him before he sees him. Even if he knew of the great dragon's size, it's still something to behold. Merlin watches with slightly widened eyes as the creature lands in front of him.

"Kilgharrah," The boy greets with something of a question in his voice.

"You know my name," The dragon speaks back. Merlin is unable to determine if this surprises the dragon or not. "As I know yours."

"That I'm well aware of," Merlin snips. "I haven't been able to sleep because of you." He thinks he sees the dragon smirk. Can dragons smirk?

"My apologies, young warlock," Despite his words, Kilgharrah doesn't sound very apologetic. "I felt your presence many nights ago. I wanted to see you for myself. So small for such a great destiny."

"Thanks," Merlin mumbles annoyedly before the dragon's words truly register in his mind. "So the druids were speaking the truth?"

"They are not ones to lie, not about something so great."

The Warlock in the ForestWhere stories live. Discover now