Bella's Dream

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Ever since the group got the news of Bella being pregnant, all of them were prepared to protect Bella from any demons who dare try to harm her and the baby. But above all that, they were excited to see the baby. It was already a month now and Bella's stomach grew into a bump that can be hidden easily. Nezuko and Bella were walking with each other, as they talked about the baby.

"I'm so excited to see the baby!" Nezuko said excitedly, as she showed her famous smile.

"I can't wait either Nezuko." Bella chirped up, as she rubbed her stomach with so much love.

"I bet the baby will be just like you, Bella." Nezuko said, as she smiled towards Bella.

"Nah, the baby will be like Tanjiro for sure." Bella exclaimed, as she looked at Nezuko with her famous smile.

"We may never know until the nine months are done." Nezuko pointed out, as she looked towards the sakura trees with such joy.

"Yeah your right about that, Nezuko." Bella agreed with her, as she looked at the sakura trees as well.

Nezuko and Bella kept looking at the sakura trees with a smile plastered on there face. The sweet peaceful moment ended when a black shadow moved quickly through the sakura trees.

"What was that?!" Bella said, as she looked at the sakura trees once more, only to see nothing there.

"I'm not sure but I think we should head back, I have a bad feeling about this." Nezuko said as she grabbed Bella's hand and took her back to the Demon Slayer headquarters.


"Wait so your saying you saw something but you only saw is there shadow, am I correct?" Tanjiro said as he looked at Bella and Nezuko with a worried expression.

"Mhm." Nezuko confirmed as she looked at Tanjiro with a stern face.

"This is definitely concerning since Bella is pregnant and she can't be able to use her demon slayer sword." Tanjiro said, as he had a stern face. "I think we should keep her indoors for now on, just in case this shadow or demon is going after Bella." Tanjiro declared, as he hold Bella's arm a little too tight.

"Tanjir-" Bella was about to protest, until Aoi came barging into the room.

"Tanjiro and Nezuko, the Hashira need you two immediately!" Aoi told us, as she looked like something is terribly wrong.

"Yes ma'am and thank you for telling us." Tanjiro thanked her, as she bowed properly and left the room.

Bella was mad that Tanjiro would declare that without her consent or what she felt about it. Bella felt something rub her hand. She looked up to see Tanjiro , looking at her with his famous smile.

"I'll be back and we can talk about this another time." Tanjiro said, as he gave Bella hand one last squeeze before leaving with Nezuko.

Bella was now by herself. Since she was alone, Bella thought to just take a nap considering that the baby has took a toll on her this month. So, with that said, she went to her and Tanjiro room to take a nap.

"I wonder, when will Tanjiro come back?" That was her last thoughts, until she went sleep.


Bella was sitting right on top of a hill, where a sakura tree was there shifting through the wind. Bella loved to put her back on the sakura tree when she was with Tanjiro and sometimes Nezuko. Bella was taking the great view of the whole town she used to live at, until, it got assassinated by demons. Bella never wanted this to end but everything around was now turning dark. The sakura tree was roasted like lighting struck, the grass was burnt and the whole town was on fire, everything around her was now dark and scary. Bella stood up and had this mortified expression on her face. Bella was scared out of her mind. Bella was walking backwards, but she bumped into something that felt like clothing and so with that she turned around to see a man that she knew to well for her liking, Muzan Kibutsuji. Bella was now even more scared then she was already. Bella had nothing on her, so she was screwed. Muzan took a step closer to Bella, giving her his motionless expression. Bella took steps back from him.

"What do you want?!" Bella asked, as she was looking at him with so much fear.

"I want is you and your child, Bella." Muzan said, as he looked at her with the same expression from earlier.

"Why?!" Bella asked, as she looked at him with so much anger.

"I want the baby because I want to make it into a demon like me. As for you, Bella.....I want you to be my wife and in exchange, we can raise you and Tanjiro child together and maybe make another child that is ours. What do you say?" Muzan said, as he put his arm towards her for a handshake of agreement for the deal he made for her.

"No way I'm gonna agree to that, Muzan!" Bella said in disagreement as Muzan looked at her with a hint of anger. "I'm not going to become your damn wife, I'm the wife of Tanjiro Kamado, did you not get the news or something because it sure does sound like you didn't, so what I'm saying is, I will never abandon Tanjiro like that and I will never will to the likes of you!!!" Bella finished saying, as Muzan was now on edge of his seat.

"Fine, since your going to be like that, then I have no choice but to take you, forcefully." Muzan explained as he did something that Bella didn't expect him to do, he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her to the ground.

"ARGH!" Bella screamed, as she felt her lungs burning for oxygen.

"When I get you, Isabella Kamado. I will make sure to punish you, whether you like it or not."

Bella throat started getting tighter by the second. She felt the ground start to crumble under her. Bella started panicking, knowing that the ground will consume her if she doesn't get up right now.

"I need to get up!" Bella thought as she tried to pried off Muzan hand that was on her throat, but to no avail.

"It's no use, you can try with all of your might, but it won't make a difference." Muzan said as he had a sadistic smirk plastered on his face.

Suddenly, the ground was not there, Muzan let go of Bella's throat, and Bella fell into the ground, watching as Muzan looked at her with his devious smirk. Bella was scared, she didn't know what to do. She tried to look for something to latch onto, but there was nothing in sight. Bella right then and there passed out.


"*Gasp**huff* *huff*" Bella woke up in the middle of the night, looking really pale. Bella couldn't believe that she had a nightmare, that felt so real to her. Bella looked right next to her, to see her husband, Tanjiro sleeping peacefully right next to her.

"*Sigh*" Bella sighed, as she thankfully knew that her husband was right there with her. Bella wanted to tell Tanjiro about the nightmare she just had, but she knew that Tanjiro was quite busy already, so,she wasn't going to tell him about it. Bella laid backed down, looking towards Tanjiro whose back was facing her. Bella latched her arms around his hips as she smiled, feeling lucky to have a husband that was so awesome and handsome. When she closed her eyes, she kept wondering if, Muzan was in her dreams or not. Bella didn't think much of it as she fell asleep. Thankfully she had a sweet dream on this second one than the first one. But what Bella didn't know was that Muzan was right on top of Tanjiro and Bella's window looking at her with a expressionless face, as his eyes glowed in the darkness. Muzan left right afterwards, having a devious smirk on his face.

"Can't wait to see you again.........................................


Tanjiro Kamado Got Me Pregnant?! Tanjiro x OCWhere stories live. Discover now