Forgiving Nezuko

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It was ninth months now, Bella has been put on bed rest. Bella has been laying in bed for couple days now. Bella didn't like how she wasn't able to get off the bed and just enjoy the outside world. She felt like she was in a cage. Bella knew she couldn't walk because of her carrying her and Tanjiro precious newborn daughter, Kogame. Bella heard the door slide open. Bella looks at the door to see Nezuko. Bella still hasn't forgiven Nezuko ever since she told Tanjiro about her dream of Muzan. Bella pouts and turns her head away from Nezuko.

"Bella, look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told him but he looked ready to break down and I didn't want him to think I didn't trust him." Nezuko explained, as Bella looked at her with understanding.

"I know and I'm sorry I made you hide that from Tanjiro." Bella apologized, as she looked ready to tear up.

"I know you are and I hope we can become friends again." Nezuko said, but before she left, Bella grabbed one of her hands and stopped Nezuko from going away from her any further then she was already.

"We already are." Bella said to Nezuko, with a smile plastered on her face.

"How about I make us both green tea." Nezuko suggested, as she gave Bella a smile.

"Yeah I would love that!" Bella exclaimed, as she rubbed her stomach with excitement.

Just as Nezuko started making green tea, Bella felt a gush of liquid run down her two thighs and onto the futon. Bella suddenly felt a bit of pain in her stomach and lower region of her back. Bella screamed out in pain. Nezuko looked over, to see Bella sweating while clutching her swollen stomach in pain. Nezuko realized what's going on. Bella is going to give birth to Her and Tanjiro daughter name Kogame.

Nezuko started to comfort Bella while screaming for help. What Nezuko, Bella and everyone didn't know was, Muzan plan was going to be put into action, in this very moment. Chaos, is about to spread in this very snowy day.

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