A Snowy Chaos Part 1

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Time.....time after time....Bella kept screaming her lungs out...time after time....Tanjiro telling her everything is alright....time after time.....Nezuko comforting Bella....time after time.....Inosuke screaming at Zenistu for getting the wrong towel to put on Bella's forehead......time after time Himiko scolding the Hashiras about coming in the doors while Bella is trying to give birth.....time after time Aoi teaching Bella about what you need to do while giving birth to a baby.....the time now stopped.....it was time for Bella to give birth to Kagome....

"AH!" Bella screamed out, as she looked in so much pain.

She was practicing on how to push a baby out of her since she has to do that when trying to give birth to a baby. Aoi was helping her with her practice pushes.

"Come on Bella, you can do it, you made it this far, don't give up now!" Aoi exclaimed, as she and the three other girls were encouraging Bella to start pushing again.

"UGH!" Bella grunted, as she pushed again.

"That's it your doing great!" Aoi said, as she checked to see if the baby's head is dilated.

"Bella don't worry you are doing fantastic, I love you and our precious little Kogame." Tanjiro said, as he let Bella squeeze his hands to death.

Even though Bella couldn't really talk to Tanjiro right now, she felt thankful that Tanjiro was by her side through all of this. Himiko finally finished telling the Hashiras about not trespassing while Bella is giving birth to Kogame. Inosuke finally stopped screaming at Zenistu since Himiko told him to stop by knocking him, softly, on the head.

"Anyway, doesn't matter anymore, Nezuko got her a new one anyway." Himiko said to Inosuke, as he looked at her angrily.

"Whatever! I'm just trying to help, Himiko!" Inosuke said, as everyone looked shocked including Bella since it's the first time hearing Inosuke saying someone's name correctly.

"Tch! Doesn't matter!" Himiko said, as she looked away from Inosuke.

"AH! It hurts!" Bella said, as she squeezed Tanjiro and Nezuko hand.

"Don't worry, your doing awesome!" Nezuko encouraged, as she use the towel to swipe the sweat off of Bella's forehead.

"Alright it's time to give birth to Kagome, Bella." Aoi exclaimed, as she got into a position that said she was ready to deliver.

"What, you said we were just doing practicing pushes?!" Bella said, as she looked not ready to give birth just yet.

"Well it seems, baby Kogame is wanting to be out now." Aoi said, as she prepared herself to deliver, Kogame.

Bella was worried, What if she hurts the baby? What if Tanjiro leaves her for hurting Kogame? What if Kogame doesn't make it? What if she pushes to early and she messes up the delivery? What if she- Bella's thoughts were interrupted by Tanjiro holding her hand. Tanjiro looks at Bella and gives her a encouraging smile.

"You can do this, Bella! You went through carrying our child, so please finish this, finish this for us and for Kogame." Tanjiro said, as he smiled at Bella and kisses her lips.

Bella felt this sudden confidence within her, she looked at Tanjiro and nodded, firmly.

"Okay, Bella, Push!" Aoi ordered, as Bella pushed with all her might. "Good, Now, Push!" Aoi ordered, again, as Bella pushed again.

Bella let out a breath of air. "Your doing great Bella, Good Job!" Tanjiro said, as he squeezed my hand, encouragingly.

"Your Doing Great, Bella, Again, Push!" Aoi ordered the third time, as Bella pushed the third time.

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