The god gets no response and frowns slightly. Righting himself Xie Lian opens his golden eyes to look. "San Lan-" The words catch in this throat. Eyes widen. That isn't San Lang.

Two people stand a good distance away staring at the god. Unfortunately it's not far enough and Xie Lian can identify them immediately.

But he's sure no matter the distance or disguise they use he will always know them. Call it familiarity that can't fade. Or just that they know each other so well. "Why are you here?" He asks.  "Did San Lang send the invites to you?" Xie Lian asks hopefully.

He can still remember the one time he talked over the set of invites he wanted to send. But he accepted that the two gods probably wouldn't turn up even if he sent them. And if they did they may ruin the day.

Hua Cheng really didn't want them to appear, yet here they were. Had he caved in? No chance. So why are they here?

"Xie Lian..." The shorter says sadly stepping forward. "Ah..." Xie Lian sighs smiling sadly. "He didn't send them." He didn't think he world. That ghost holds many strong opinions of the two that Xie Lian can't lessen no matter how he tries.

"How can you get married?" The god says with a harsher tone. "Mu Qing." Xie Lian says softly. "It's not like I had a choice." He shrugs. "Besides it's not so bad."

The second god, Feng Xin scoffs. "Why didn't you argue? This is unlike you to just sit and accept." He mutters.

Xie Lian looks away. "How much do you know?" He asks. "Because if you think I came here, ran away and hid for a year of my own choice..." he shakes his head. Its not worth going into it.

"So you didn't run from us?" Feng Xin asks. Xie Lian shakes his head. "I would never. But I had no choice. My hands were tied."

"But you didn't fight?" Mu Qing scowls. Xie Lian frowns. "I tried. Five times total. And each time I was struck down worse. The emperor would't have it. Even when..." He shakes his head. Don't bring up the past.

"What? Even when what?" Mu Qing asks. Xie Lian shakes his head again. "Your highness, even when what?" Feng Xin encouraged.

Xie Lian sighs. "Even when he knew." He caved. "He saw my eyes, I was already in love. He knew who it was. He saw how I looked at you. He knew before he did it and still..." He admits. "I must have angered our lord, so this is my punishment. He would have hurt you I'm sure."

"Did he hurt you?" Xie Lian doesn't answer.

"Let's run." Mu Qing says. "We can get away from here. Just us three." The taller god smiles widely. "Yes let's go. It will be like before."

Xie Lian holds up a hand. "I don't wanna talk, about the things we've gone through, or the past we shared. I can't run."

The two gods look puzzled. "But you don't, are you... are you actually okay with this?!" Feng Xin yells unbelieving.

The god clad in red nods his head. "Yes." He says. 

"Though it's hurting me, we are history. We can't go back surely you know this." He says quietly.

"You hated the idea of being exposed. Why would I use you in my argument. But without that excuse, I had nothing." The golden eyes man says. "That night." Mu Qing says louder. "Xie Lian that night you asked if we'd bet a life? That was..."
Xie Lian smiles sadly. "Yes because Jun Wu used me as a betting chip."

Feng Xin runs up, "And valuable? Is that what he called you valuable? Like an object?" Xie Lian warms at the anger but it's not enough.

"Nothings been exposed. You two are safe from me and your reputation is still mighty. That's why you never came to see me right? Because you didn't want people to talk." He laughs. How foolish he was.

The loser's left to fall (tgcf)Where stories live. Discover now