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"Your highness hurry up, the procession will be here soon." Fu Yao complains. "I'm trying! But it's hard on my own there's so many knots and layers...I wish that m-" the voice pauses. "My outfit was as easy as my normal one haha."

The two deputies glance at each other and sigh shaking their heads. "It's fine, but your a crown prince, why is your daily outfit so plain?" Nan Feng asks.

There's shuffling around before Xie Lian answers. "Well it's simple, easy and plain. Perfect for someone who doesn't want to stand out more than I already do. Besides fancy outfit tend to make me upset."

Fu Yao scoffs. "Mourning what you lost your highness?" He asks. "Watch it." Nan Feng scolds. Xie Lian laughs. "No he's right, but I don't mourn my royal blood, or my lavish lifestyle. Not even my first godhood. I mourn what I lost and can't replace." He says. It's cryptic as usual and he doesn't elaborate either.

He doesn't really need too. It's clear he doesn't want to talk, about the things he's gone through. It's clearly a painful subject.

Xie Lian emerged from the back of the temple dressed in red. The two deputy generals waiting not so patiently. "Your highness are you finally done-" They stop their complaints. A figure dyed in red steps out gracefully.

"I don't think..." Xie Lian says swaying gently. "I don't think I make a good bride." Then looking up to the two he smiles sadly. "Im quite ugly, am I not?"

The two generals share a look before cursing. "It's not bad." Fu Yao says tearing his eyes away. "Yes, it's definitely not fucking hideous." Nan Feng agrees.

The look on Xie lians face brightens. "Oh. umm I do have one favour to ask of you both actually." He says shyly. The two share yet another glance and Fu Yao nods. "Can you, not tell your generals about this when you report..."


"Why?" Nan Feng asks. Xie Lian looks away. "Don't want them to make fun of you?" Fu Yao adds. Xie Lian laughs shaking his head. "No no, I can deal with them mocking and hating me, but this is actually a selfish request." He admits. "I like your generals very much and the thought of..." He blushes lightly under the make up but the others notice. Once upon a time the crown prince of xianle had declared that he would let no one marry him unless he deemed them worthy. This had caused the friend group to debate who was worthy. The prince had revealed he only had two candidates that had passed. But when pushed further he wouldn't speak.

Then in a cheeky manner he promised the first people to ever see him in his marriage robes would be them. Wether his cryptic promise had double meaning or not was never explained.

The two deputy generals shook off the shock. "I won't tell him. Will you?" Nan Feng says looking to Fu Yao. "I will not." It's said the two gods never forgot a promise, wether said jokingly or not.

Then the shorter of the two frowns. "My general does not hate you either. Can't say the same about the other one tho." Fu Yao sneers, glaring at Nan Feng. "Oh? My general doesn't hate his highness either, in fact I bet he hates him less than you do."

Fu Yao growls. "As if I bet you don't like him as much as me." He argues back. "No way I like him way more than you!" The two bicker completely forgetting the "disguise" they are supposed to be in. "You bastard! Feng Xin take it back I love his highness more!" "Fuck you Mu Qing that's bullshit, I love him most."

Xie Lian tunes them out and waits, watching two men fight over who hates him least, that turned into like then love?! He has to suppress a blush. If it wasn't clear before, it certainly is now. These two weren't fooling him.

The scene reminds him of so many happy lost memories and he can't help but start to laugh happily. "Your highness!" The two shout together looking at the god. "Sorry sorry!" Xie Lian says wiping a tear.

"It's just I'm so happy, this brings back such fond memories of mine. You used to bicker and I used to break it up by-" The god covers his mouth coughing. "Anyway, why are you arguing? Am I not giving you the attention you need?" He asks jokingly. "Yes!" The two shout way too loud and way too fast. Xie Lian blinks heat finally rising to his cheeks. "No- wait" "your highness- we-"

The ruckus from outside saves them. "Ah it's here. That means it's time to go." The god in red sings happily. "It may be dangerous so put your own lives first, I'll be fine." He say grabbing both man's hands. He holds them close to his chest hoping for safety like he always does.

Then caving in he lets the familiar saying slip. "We will be home in no time." He smiles then goes out to get in position. The other two star at their hands. If the two have red tinted ears no one mentioned it.

Halfway through the path is blocked. Creatures and beasts come out from nowhere and it turns into a blood bath.

Xie Lian asks the two to leave. Both seem far too hesitant, even when Xie Lian insisted. "Why haven't you left yet?" Xie Lian asked desperately. "Go." He begged. "Go leave me!"

"Yeah you leave first. You have plenty of practice doing so." Nan Feng spits still fighting off the raging creatures. "As if you stayed to?! Don't think so much of yourself. End of the day his highness was left alone by both of us." Fu Yao yells.

"Fuck you! At least I tried!"

"And I didn't?! I wanted to ascend so I could save you both!"

"And would his highness appreciate that? Rubbing it in his face? Mu Qing don't be an idiot!"

"It's better than what we had!"

"And what did we fucking have?"


"No! Fuck we had love wasn't that enough for you?! His highness loved us so much! Think of the pain you leaving caused! Then I rubbed salt in the wound and left to!"

"He let us go Feng Xin!"

"Because he love us. If it was between him being selfish and our happiness of course he'd choose us! Are you an idiot Mu Qing?!"

Xie Lian sucks in a breath, tears brim in his eyes but they were quickly riddanced. "That's enough!" He calls voice ringing out loud and clear. If they'd forgotten he was there they hadn't now.

"I'm at fault! I'm sorry I hurt you both so badly! Ignore anything else and leave to safety, the longer you stay them more will fight."

The two yell louder blocking out Xie Lian's voice. Having no choice the god lifts his sleeve. "Ruoye-" he doesn't even finish before the white silk shoots out. Xie Lian can hear the thumps of bodies hitting the floor. "Ah~ always so blood thirsty." He complains fixing his veil. The silk soon returned and Xie Lian calls out again.

"Do I have your attention now? Good, now that I've proved I'll be alright alone. You both will leave." Then in a much softer tone say. "Please, this will be that last time I ask it of you."

He hears the two talking lowly with each other before there's silence. He sighs. "Still so familiar. Still so painful"

The loser's left to fall (tgcf)Where stories live. Discover now