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"Xianle my child. Congratulations." The emperor says. Xie Lian who had been somewhat busy when he was summoned tilts his head. "I'm afraid I don't follow my lord." So much for this being quick.

Jun Wu stands up beaming. "Why I'm congratulating you my child." He says. Xie Lian nods. "I see, but why?"

Jun Wu claps. "You have been won."


Xie Lian smiles unbelieving. "Ah ha." He laughs. "Ha ha." Then the colour drains from his face. "What."

"Yes. He's a lovely man. I think you'll enjoy it."

Xie Lian stutters. "B-but I- I how? And and why- what?!"

Jun Wu sighs. "I was presented with an opportunity. Once in a life time. The odds were fifty fifty, and what he had on the table was to good to refuse."

Xie Lian frowns. "So you bet...me?" The emperor nods he doesn't even seem sorry. "Yes you were the only one of equal value and he seemed very pleased to have you when he won."

Xie Lian tries to be respectful he really does. "You gambled me away.  A god? Me? You the heavenly emperor gambled away a god, like an object." His brow twitches. Stay calm Xie Lian this is the emperor. "And just who do I belong to now?"

Jun Wu smiles watching the boy. "Hmm I have lost you to hua cheng. The crimson rain sought flower."

Then he smirks. "I'm almost positive he wants you as his bride too."

The next day Xie Lian goes storming back. "My lord I won't do it! Surely I have a say? Can't something be done?" He begs. He'd avoided the two gods, asking Ling Wen to transfer the merits for him. He's so angry, he feels so stuck.

What's he supposed to tell them? 'Oh yeah thanks for that night we shared by the way I'm being married off to a stranger'

He knew what he had in the past was history. You can never take back something you've lost without consequence. And just as he was starting to hope that his two old... friends were settling back now he has to deal with this? "Oh dear," Jun Wu sighs from his seat. "You won't do it?"

Why did he seem so worried? He's the heavenly emperor what has he got to fear? Yet the tone stil affects him. Xie Lian suddenly feels like he should take it back. But he stays strong.

"I won't, I won't be given like an object." It's silent for a while before Jun Wu stands. Xie Lian steps backwards. "You're not being given as an object xianle."

The younger looks hopeful. "I'm not?" The emperor shakes his head. "Of course not. You're his bride. You're being given as a person."


It seemed Jun Wu had said just the right thing to break Xie Lian. "But- but I don't want to marry!" He says falling to the floor. "You don't want to? Why ever not, he'll give you whatever you desire."

"Why would I care for that? When have I ever asked for material objects?" He counters. "Well what is it you want?" Jun Wu asks genuinely curious. "You won't give me what I desire." Xie Lian says bitterly.

"I see, you want freedom. But that's something you've only had in short bursts. To have it full time..." Jun Wu smiles walking closer. "Some people aren't destined for freedom. They were born to serve, born to be tied."

Xie Lian shakes his head slowly. He's not getting anywhere with his arguments. He doesn't even care if he's acting selfish or bratty. Reverting back to his crown prince days.

"No, no I don't care, i don't- I don't." His eyes glaze over it looks like he's almost dead inside. "Xianle, come now it's not that bad." He says. "You can get to know him." He continues. "Married life will suit you well."

Suit him well? Is he like an unruly daughter that the father is desperately trying to marry off?

Xie Lian runs out, he goes and hides in the last place anyone will look for him in.

The next time he goes he's exhausted. He has barely slept. Xie Lian just mumbles on the way. He doesn't even know what to argue.

How could Jun Wu bet his life to someone? Someone he doesn't even know? Why won't he tell him why? Did he ask for Xie Lian specifically? He can't remember, is he owned now, but he- oh and Jun Wu said about marriage!? But he can't he loves- oh heavens he's been arranged into a marriage whilst he's in some weird thing with someone or well two someone else's.
Jun Wu shuts his argument down almost immediately. "Xianle, go home." He had said. "My hands are as tied as yours."

Xie Lian walks back exhaustion clear. "Not as tied as mine." He mutters.

"You." A stern voice cuts into his mopping. Xie Lian could cry. "I have to go." He says turning around and walking away. "Oh really?" A second voice asks.

Xie Lian sways a bit. "I can't be here." He whispers. Trying to find an escape from the two gods.

"He's right Feng Xin, he can't be here." The taller god Hmm. "I agree. Mu Qing grab him."

Xie Lian really does cry. He falls to the floor and just cries. It's silent and pitiful. "How are we supposed to be angry at you when you look like such a mess?" Mu Qing mutters picking the god up. "Whatever has worked you up into suck a state?"

Xie Lian just burrows his head into the others neck. "Your highness, why have you been avoiding us?" Feng Xin asks. Xie Lian sniffs. "I don't know if I can tell you." He whispers.

The two sigh in unison. "Xie Lian you are in such a messy state. Just tell us. We can help you." Mu Qing says. Xie Lian tightens his grasp. "No you can't! I'm trying so hard, but I don't have a leg to stand on!" He sobs. "If I did, if I did this wouldn't be the end."

Feng Xin stokes the gods hair. "There is no such thing we can't try to help you with." The two enter a palace and Xie Lian recognises it as Mu Qing's.

He thrown onto the bed and just laid there. "Would you ever bet a life?" He asks suddenly. "Regardless of the rewards would you ever bet a life?" Mu Qing shakes his head taking the princes outer robe off. "No, even if I knew I was to win I'd never take the chance." He says brushing his lips against the others ears. "Neither would I, how could you ever bet something so valuable and precious." Feng Xin says trailing a hand through chestnut hair.

Xie Lian let's more tears free. "Valuable?" He asks. "Am I valuable?" The hand in his hair tightens. "You are the most valuable person." He says. Xie Lian croaks. "Oh." Then letting the two do as they please he lets out one last selfish request. "I want to forget everything. Let me be free for just one night."

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