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Xie Lian was getting married to the ghost king.

When he was informed of the arrangements made by Jun Wu and the ghost king Hua Cheng, he was... upset? Angry? Confused? Then he resigned. After a particularly harsh lecture from the emperor he had no leg to stand on. All arguments were cut.

According to the world Xie Lian was single. So even if he argued he was already in love, no one believed him. Besides it wasn't like he was in a relationship...

He was thankful those first few weeks. The ghost king and the god had got on well. The ghost took care of his injuries from both jun wu and the fall.

And within a month they'd hit it off and it helped to ease Xie Lian's worries. They were both similar in age and seemed to share a past. Both children of his kingdom.

Hua cheng was very understanding and very loyal. He was kind and provided anything Xie Lian could think of. He was devoted a worshiper and it was charming. Xie Lian grew to proudly said he loved the ghost king.

However it took a while. The moving on process, the ache in his chest, nothing dissipate until a few months in. No matter what kind words were whispered, Xie Lian never felt whole. Not like before. He was missing a part of him and he knew where to get it, but he couldn't.

Xie Lian and hua cheng got engaged. It was a huge celebration. Many gods and ghosts alike showed up. The emperor smiled down on them and Xie Lian couldn't help but wonder if this was punishment or not. He's sure the emperor knew. It wasn't like they hid it well. And that cruel twist to Jun Wu's smile when he saw the slight unhappiness in Xie Lian eyes.

Xie Lian had angered him, and his punishment was marriage to a man he didn't love fully. Not really anyway. Not like them... But he did love Hua Cheng too, it was just... new?

Xie Lian found over the first four months that his love swapped and changed as if confused. His body reacted to San Lang. But his mind always held onto the faces of others.

Then something snapped. They hadn't come looking for him. They hadn't demanded for him over spiritual communication. They hadn't done anything really. And Xie Lian heart broke slightly. Maybe he wasn't as "valuable" as they had said.

He knew he was growing to love his San Lang. And slowly his love was drained from the others to help fill his heart for San Lang. So on a particularly bold night. Xie Lian confided in his soon to be husband. He explained it all. And San Lang took it really well.

He helped Xie Lian understand his feelings, and even suggested a solution. Xie Lian had blush like mad but had agreed to it. And when it was over he smiled dreamily. "San Lang, I see only San Lang." He said. The ghost smiles. "And I see gege." He  responded. Then Xie Lian pulls the ghost in for a heated kiss. "San Lang I think I've fallen in love with you."

San Lang and him had planned this wedding for so long. So long in fact Xie Lian started feeling butterflies at the ghosts touch. The sweet words whispered felt sweet. And Xie lians gaze soften to a genuine loving look. San Lang couldn't have felt happier. He finally had his lover in his reach, and even better his lover loved him back.

"San Lang!" The god squeals feeling the taller tickle him. "Gege! Today was so long and boring." Then falling onto the other he say. "I missed my gege." Xie Lian laughs happily. "I missed my San Lang too."

How many months had it been? Almost a year now. Or more so? A year he's been with San Lang in the ghost city. A year he's been hidden from the world. A year he's had to fall in love. And in a few months he'll be married.

"San Lang, you trust me don't you?" The god asks. The ghost lifts his head from the others chest still laying happily on him. "Of course." Xie Lian smiles. "And you know I love you. And that my love is genuine." San Lang squints his eyes. "Gege?"

The older sighs. "I want to invite Mu Qing and Feng Xin to the wedding."


Xie Lian whines. "San Lang! Why?" The ghost looks up again. "Gege they love you. And you love them. They'll try to stop the wedding and steal you and you might go with them! They even tainted you. How could I allow that?"

Xie Lian giggles. "You're acting like little HongHong'er. You clung to me so tightly. Did you love me even then?" He asks stroking raven hair. "Mn." San Lang says. "But gege was wrapped up with them as recently as last year."

Xie Lian sighs. "Don't get jealous," he mumbles placing a kiss to the crown of his head. "My love for you is unwavering. I've moved on." San Lang looks unconvinced. "Was it forced? I didn't want to force you." He says sadly. Xie Lian shrugs.

"Wether It was or it wasn't I don't care because right now I'm so genuinely in love with you. And everything about you." He says placing a gently kiss to the eyepatch. Then he flips them sitting triumphantly on top. "And that's not going to change ever again." San Lang smirks. "Are my bride to be words true? Can he prove to me it's only me?" He asks grabbing the boys hips.

Xie Lian blushes. "Don't make me say it." He begs. "It's so embarrassing." He whines.

San Lang looks expectantly. "If- if San Lang wants he can just..." Xie Lian wiggles his hips.

San langs eyes glint. "Hmm my gege is needy tonight?" The ghost laughs. "Your Gege would be if you didn't turn him off with talk of ex's." He says shamelessly. But the blush on his face proves he wasn't expecting to say that out loud. "How shameless you are gege." San lang says flipping them around again.

"But I can't deny hearing you say that does something to me. It's only me. It will only ever be me from now on." Xie Lian smiles happily. "A-San lang! Only you!" He calls.

The whole of the ghost city was celebrating. Red lanterns, gold bells. Decorations strung up everywhere. It was so perfect. Xie Lian never wanted to forget.

What else was perfect was the wedding garb he was in. Somehow San Lang had convinced him to were a woman's style robe, like the day they met out on the mountain.

Xie Lian agreed wether because he lost a bet or that it was a nice memory of the time the ghost king took him away no one will know. Well the two husbands will but they'll never reveal the truth.

It was overwhelming seeing himself in the polished metal mirror. The full look. Red and silver. Intricate embroidery matching the engraving of his husbands silver cuffs. Little details that make it all so much more personal.

The god spins giggling to himself. His attendants had left him be after fixing him up and the god was left alone. Xie Lian loves it. He loves it so much he starts to tear up.

Not wanting to ruin his make up and grow puffy eyes he steps out onto the decking. A perfect evening greats him.

Carefully he sits down letting the wind gently fly through the fabric causing it to flutter gracefully. The god closes his eyes a genital smile on his face as he leans his head back.

Guests were arriving and Xie Lian could head the happy chatter carrying over to where he rests. He still had a while before he will make an appearance so he can relax and focus on the magic of the evening.

Hearing footsteps approaching he chuckles lightly. "Husband of mine that better not be you." He says then adds. "You know the rules."

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