Part 37

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It was inevitable that something like this happened, when you really considered all the variables leading up this point.

It was still shocking for those involved though. In one breath-taking and terrible moment, the world changed for good.

And fate was irreversibly changed.

But that's a couple steps too far into the future.

Choi Han was currently racing as fast as he could back to the cell Roksu had retreated from, moving as quickly as he could now that Roksu had let him know what was waiting there.

Raon was there.

He was made and scared and moving as quickly as his legs could carry him.

"..Shit..." Roksu cursed in his arms and Choi Han knew before the explosion that the internal countdown had reached zero.

His heart hammered in his throat and they arrived at the scene just too late.

Alberu was doing what he could to fend off the White Star and the persistent ooze, Rosalyn had been knocked unconscious in the blast, Raon was doing what he could to support Alberu from a distance, and Cale was checking on Rosalyn.

Altogether, they were doing better than one could expect.

Although it was especially disheartening to see that the White Star hadn't just survived the blast but apparently was relishing in his shower of dead mana. Alberu was fine to touch it, even benefited from it, but most humans would have died an exceptionally painful death.

'...shit, is he just not human?' Roksu frowned.

The blast hadn't done nothing though. While the White Star appeared to be on a black ooze high, it was clear that the actual blast of the bomb had done significant damage to his body. He'd need to retreat soon if he wanted to live. Well, unless he could use the damn ooze to heal but Roksu was pretty sure he'd see more actual healing happening if that were the case.

There was a chunk blown out of the White Star's side that made him look like something out of a zombie movie.

Still, even then, Alberu was having trouble holding him off. They simply weren't an even match. The damn author should have written a stronger protagonist for this stupid novel–Roksu didn't waste his time on those thoughts though.

"Choi Han, carry Rosalyn." He instructed, patting his arm to be let down.

His voice alerted Cale to his presence and for a moment, their eyes met.

That was the moment that Roksu realized the inevitable.

Perhaps it was a sibling thing, or maybe it was from spending too much time together over the years, or maybe Cale was just fucking predictable, but Roksu knew with absolute certainty what was going to happen next and he wracked his brain to plan around it.

"Choi Han, use your aura to support his highness." He said, changing up his earlier instruction and dragging Rosalyn away from the fray with Cale's help. "Raon, stay away from the dead mana. If you can, send arrows at his legs."

There was no stopping it.

Alberu's body collided with a wall as the sword of disasters snapped his spear in half and for a horrible moment, Roksu was concerned that it had cut Alberu too.

He was crouching the ground gasping for air a moment later so Roksu knew he'd be fine. With Raon and Choi Han's support, Alberu was able to take a moment's rest and gather strength from the abundance of dead mana that threatened all other living things.

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