Chapter 28

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Dabi's POV: flashback~

"Dabiii~" I heard a faint voice calling out to me. Waking up was very hard for me every single day. A true pain in the ass. (Y/n) could turn it less awful, but I still hated to wake up in the mornings. I was never an early bird due to my crimes in the nights.

"Mmm..." I groaned with closed eyes. She was sitting on my butt, trying to wake me up with tender kisses. She always did that whenever she was up earlier than me.

"Dabi, baby... Wake up. It's almost noon." She spoke next to my ear and continued to kiss my face.

"So what? I'm sleepy. I'm fucking exhausted..." I told her.

She massaged my shoulderblades almost lulling me back to sleep when out of a sudden she turned me around, getting on top of me. Opening my eyes I saw she only wore her undergarments as she usually did when we were at home. Such a beautiful sight.

"Please get up." She pleaded. "Come on."

I closed my eyes again, resting my palms over her thighs, but she got off of me, trying to pull me up by my arm.

"You should already know that I'm stronger and heavier than you." I told her sighing. "Please, I just wanna sleep."

"Ah Dabi why you gotta ruin everything. I want you to get up because I prepared something for your birthday and I just wanted to show it to you." She whined.

I opened my eyes and stared at her. She was crossing her arms and pouted her cheeks.

"My birthday?" I muttered. I tried to recall the date from a few days ago I heard on the tv and I just realized that she was right.

But how does she know? I never told her, because I hate my birthday. It just always makes me remember how much I hate my father and that I turn 1 year older than I was.

"Yes, dummy! Your birthday, but you ruined the surprise now."

"How do you know about it?" I raised a brow at her and she winked, telling me it's a secret.

Slowly I sat up on the edge of the bed and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes. I wasn't lying when I said that I am exhausted. I could sleep now all day to be honest. At least this day would pass already...

But despite (y/n)'s disappointment for ruining her surprise she turned around and grabbed my hand, pulling me with herself towards the kitchen. Her pout from before disappeared and a sweet smile replaced it. She was more than excited to show me whatever she prepared.

"Close your eyes." She requested.

"Alright. Whatever..." I did as she told me, closing my eyes shut.

"Why do you have to act like this? It's your birthday! You should be happy!" I heard her shuffling through something.

"Because I hate my birthday..." I muttered.

She came up to me again, taking my hands in her's and led me towards the table whereas she made me sit down on one of the chairs.

"You can open your eyes now."

I did and saw a small cupcake in front of me with a candle in the middle.

"Happy birthday!" She exclaimed happily.

I tossed the cupcake away and sighed, rubbing my temples. I didn't want to make her feel bad but I couldn't help but still hate my birthday even though it was nice of her to think of me and prepare something for me on it.

She turned around, showing her back to me. I could tell that she was sad because I refused her small gift.

Am I really gonna do this?...

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now