Chapter 19

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Dabi's POV: (present~)

You might remember I followed (y/n) to her new home after she rejected me again. I'm only a few steps away from her, the only thing that seperates us is this door. I'm here for like half an hour, yet whenever I raised my hand to knock on the door, the courage I had simply gone. It vanished like it was never there.

I have no idea how would she react. Perhaps I might make things worse if I tried to talk to her again. Maybe I should give her some time to think, but what if it would be too late and she would easily forget me, finding someone for herself instead of me? I don't want that to happen either.

Still arguing with myself I paced back and forth, asking myself all the time what should I do now.

But then I sighed and walked up to the front door again, knocking on it eventually. I mentally slapped myself. I wasn't ready for this. I shouldn't have done this. What if I just run away now and she would think the knock was just a childish prank?

God no... It's already too late to run away, probably she's approaching the entrance already, ready to open it and see who's on the other side.

Why am I as nervous as if I am about to ask out my high school crush? Fuck... What the hell am I doing... And what am I thinking... She just rejected me and broke up with me mere a few days ago and she surely will do the same thing now.Why did I have to knock on the door? Why didn't I just left?

I've never felt this nervous before like I do now. I love her. Losing her is not an option. I can't erase her out of my head and my life just like that. I can't get over her that easily like she did. Also I can't believe she was honest with me when she said she doesn't love me anymore. The tears threatening to escape from her eyes and the look she gave me betrayed her.

It was a fucking bullshit and she can stick onto what she wrote down on that piece of paper for me, I won't accept it... because I know it can't be true. However I didn't understand why she would put up a lie like this by the way. What possibly could bring her to this decision? To leave someone she loves. People doesn't change in a day. They don't take a 180 degree turn in 24 hours. Especially not such strong feelings we have for each other. Things doesn't work that way.

And I will figure out what's the reason behind all of this...

She can't fool me. I know she loves me too. I know, or rather feel there's something she doesn't tell me. The story is not finished this way. It can't be.

Or am I just too stubborn to accept her decision?

Suddenly the door in front of me opened and I looked up at her immediately. "(Y/n)."

"What the actual fuck are you doing here? Did you follow me? Why can't you just understand that it's over Dabi? Why do you have to show up again?" She was gripping tightly onto the doorframe. It was obvious that it's hard for her to say these things to me.

"I followed you because I want to talk." I replied simply.

I have an urge to embrace her and never let go of her again, but I know it would be a bad move. She would push me away.

"There's nothing to talk about. Just leave..." She averted her gaze. I see in her eyes she is struggling to say something, but she doesn't do it for some unknown reason. I will find out eventually.

"Nothing you say? Alright." I took a step back.

"Go away."

My body acted by it's own will and pulled her out to the hall. I grabbed her by her wrists and pinned her on the wall. She gasped at my action. She struggled to escape, but I would be a fool to let her get away from me that easily. I need answers. And I need them now. She will tell me what all of this is about. And I will get her back.

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now