Chapter 4

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Dabi's POV:

I woke up at around 11:00. This is the usual time I woke up every day if I didn't have any shitty missions to do. Still laying in my bed I looked to my side to greet (y/n), but I just rembered she was not here with me anymore. Or else she would be the one to wake me up because she was always up earlier than me.

Deep down I hoped that the weed I smoked yesterday was playing with my mind, or the booze, or all of this was a nightmare... But it wasn't... (Y/n) is gone. It was the cruel reality.

I turned over my back then sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes with the help of my hands and looked around the bedroom. It was a total mess. I broke a lot of furniture when I was raging after I read that fucking letter from her. At least the bed wasn't broken, but right now that's the last thing I care about. I'll fix it later...

As I tried to get up from my bed my head was pounding. Fucking hangover... But I managed to wake up anyway and went to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge for a bottle of water and found painkiller pills on the shelf and chugged half of the water down along with the pills. Soon it should take effect and my head won't hurt that much.

I sat down on the chair, holding onto my pounding head. Looking around the kitchen, my first thought was how empty it looks. (Y/n) took away her belongings from here too. The whole apartment looks like when I moved in here all those years ago.

I remember I was sitting right here in this chair when she barged in with the table lamp in her hand the morning after I took her here on our first drinking night. It was really funny...



When I woke up in the morning I wasn't surprised at all that a woman was sleeping next to me on my bed. However I know very well that nothing like that happened. I simply took her here because I had no better idea. I didn't know where she lives so this seemed to be the best option.

In the mornings I usually went to the kitchen, opened the window that was beside the table and chairs and sat down, liting up my morning cigarette.

I was half finished with it when I heard a few strange sounds coming from my bedroom, but I didn't pay too much attention to it just shrugged and kept on smoking.

And then...

"Where the fuck I-" she yelled, holding my table lamp in her hands ready to charge at me as she barged inside the kitchen, but she stopped when she saw it was me. "Oh... It's you."

It startled me a bit so I sat there confused of what was her intention in the first place with that small table lamp.

We stared at each other for a long minute and she was still holding the lamp high in the air until I spoke to her.

"You say thank you like this? Quite strange." I said as I blew the smoke out.

She put down the lamp on the counter and crossed her arms, looking down at me. She was in the same clothes as yesterday and her hair was pretty messy, but adorable at the same time in a way.

I don't know what's gotten into me to think of such things...

She raised a brow at me. "Thank you for what? Oh and by the way..." She walked up to me, took the cigarette out of my hand and threw it out on the window. "... why the hell are you smoking inside? At least go out onto the balcony dude!"

I blinked a few times, processing what she just did and said, then stood up, pushing her back next to the counter and trapped her. "First. Thank me for what? Thank me for bringing your drunken ass here instead of letting you sleep on the streets after you fell asleep in the bar on the counter. Second. This is my apartment not yours. My house, my rules. So if I want to smoke in the kitchen I will. And for your information the window is open as you can see. Third. You owe me a fucking cigarette." I spoke to her in a low tone.

When I was your man - Reader x Dabi +18 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now