Chapter 10: "I Can't Believe We Missed It"

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After making out some more at the base of the tree, Connor finally came back to his senses and pulled at Jamie's hand. There was more convincing because his mate was as stubborn as all hell, but eventually, Connor prevailed and dragged Jamie back to the party.

As soon as they came out of the shadows, people started noticing them. Noticing them holding hands, and if Connor didn't have an iron grip on Jamie, his mate would have extricated his hand. So the battle of the wills went on, until Connor, tired of this fucking game, hoisted Jamie over his shoulder and went back into the dining hall, where all the guests stared at them, their mouths wide open.

Whispers started carrying.

"Connor, what in the gods' name are you doing?" the Alpha rumbled, as Connor deposited his mate on the ground.

Jamie blushed from head to toe, it was adorable. He couldn't meet anyone's eyes, so he just stood next to Connor, who smirked at his victory. Finally, the stubborn boy had listened to him and not run away or something.

"Father, I'd like to present – my true mate."

Gasps and talking could be heard all around them. Connor wasn't exactly quiet. The more people knew, really, the better.

Miles said, "The hell you say! James, what have you done?"

"He's done nothing, Mr. Flick. I have insisted that we tell you tonight. Jamie and I have known since the night we met, and I'm tired of dancing around the matter, I want to claim my mate."

"You're embarrassing yourself," the Alpha thundered. "And why did you string poor Nancy along if she wasn't to be your mate?"

Connor flinched. "I never said she was going to be my mate."

Nancy's face was blank, but she didn't look surprised, which in turn surprised Connor. She had pursed her lips, saying nothing.

"You can't take my son, he's already spoken for," Mile said, holding his cane off the ground, like she wanted to strike someone. Probably Connor.

Connor growled. "The only way you'll take my mate from me is from my dead cold hands. So what's it gonna be, Miles?"

Miles grunted. "For the love of the gods, James, what is this?"

Jamie finally spoke, "He's telling the truth, father. I've known he's my true mate from the start. I just didn't know how to tell you."

The Alpha shook his head and looked at his son sadly. Everyone was waiting for his reaction. When he finally spoke, it was calm, "Connor, it seems like you've made your choice. Miles, I hope you'll forgive the theatrics, but it seems we're still going to unite the families."

"You can't be serious. Your son can't mate a... a dud."

People gasped.

Connor stepped closer and growled in his face. "If you insult my mate again, that's going to be the last thing you do."

Jamie pulled him away and ran his hand through his hair, calming his wolf. "Father, please, don't say anything else."

Miles pulled himself together and said to Nancy, "Let's go." Then he looked at the Alpha. "We'll talk." And they left. They left Connor and Jamie standing there and the Alpha glaring at them.

Well, that was some start, Connor thought. At least nobody killed anyone.

Miguel and Daniel ran to Connor, panting, coming from the gardens. "Fuck, did we miss it?"

Connor stared at the twins. "Miss what?"

"The big reveal! We were over at the lake's end when we heard the shouting and Daniel told me everything," Miguel said, looking from Connor to Jamie and back again. "You two an item now?"

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