Chapter 2: "This Mating Thing Sucks"

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Everyone with a pulse had eyes on the female.

Nancy Flick was her name, and she had excellent table manners, as well as excellent everything else. Perfect wannabe mate to the future Alpha.

Connor rolled his eyes as he took his place next to his father at the dining table. The girl had come with her own father, who looked at Connor like he was an insect, unworthy of his perfect daughter. He was not an Alpha, but he was on the Council of Elders, which was even better, politically speaking. An alliance such as this would make all the difference for the Woodrun Pack, and yet, Connor couldn't bring himself to give a damn.

"Your lands are beautiful," the female, Nancy, said diplomatically, her eyes piercing Connor's. She didn't seem to be stupid or flighty, which was really much better than most of the females Connor knew. She had a discerning gaze and a warm disposition, but she seemed to hold back as well, like she herself had doubts about this union.

This made Connor feel marginally better.

"Thank you," Connor said politely. "I was in Pensacola once, on business, and I have to say, your Gambas al Ajillo was delicious."

She smiled. "Yes, people come from all over the world to taste it."

He chuckled, sensing that the female was joking. Okay, she wasn't the worst person to be around, at least. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"Hector," her father said, addressing the Alpha, "your son went to college, did he? I would hate to give my precious gem to a simpleton."

The Alpha bristled. "He is future Alpha and he is as educated as myself, Miles. Maybe you would like to quiz him?"

Miles nodded curtly, unimpressed. "What did you study, child?"

Connor frowned at the man who disrespected both his father and himself. He was hardly a child, for gods' sake. "Architecture and Business. I have a Masters Degree in both."

"You going to be a builder then?"

"No, but I am interested in how buildings withstand the trials of time, and of course, no Alpha would be complete without a Business degree," Connor said, his tone biting. His father cleared his throat, reminding him that the man is higher up than both of them, which is why he was even there in the first place. Disrespecting him would be a big mistake.

"I like that you followed your heart," Nancy spoke, surprising everyone. "These days everyone's about following duty."

Connor smiled. "It seems we have that opinion in common."

Miles snorted, but said nothing. It was obvious that he wished better for his precious daughter, but Connor's father must have sweetened the deal somehow. Or perhaps they were visiting every prospective mate to get a better feel with whom she would be best suited. Connor hoped it was the latter, so he wouldn't have to commit to anything.

The rest of dinner was pleasant, peppered with small talk mostly, and some stealthy looks between Nancy and Connor. She seemed to be easy-going and didn't seem to take the "mating" as seriously as her father. Connor hoped she wanted it as little as he did, but he would only be able to ascertain this if they talked in private.

How ironic was it that power gave you less control these days? The more power you had, the less control of your own fate.

Connor envied the people who had no responsibilities or higher callings, or titles waiting for them. They could choose to go anywhere, mate anyone, and nobody would bat an eyelid. Connor, however, was chained to his fate as tightly as the blood ran in his body.

After dinner, the Alpha suggested to 'leave the kids to it,' hinting in no uncertain terms that Connor was to spend time with his intended. Holding his annoyance back, Connor offered Nancy a walk around the grounds. "The gardens are beautiful at night."

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