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Wasted potential.

CLEARLY, MUSIC HAD BEEN a large part of Madison's life, from dropping her own album to just falling completely in love with the idea of music.

Music had been a way of communication in some way, so many different styles, from rap to hip hop to even indie. It was just an expression.

She held the hot cup of freshly brewed coffee, stepping out onto her balcony, the fresh sun beaming on her skin, she smiled brightly as she laid on the lounge chairs.

Barbados had been full of beauty, from thick palm trees, to the long tailed lizards, to even the kindness of the people.

She'd got to room with Madelyn, thankful it wasn't anyone else. As much as she loved her cast mates, they just couldn't beat the blonde.

"This place is heaven! I love it." Madelyn cheered, bringing her folded hands to her chest as she stared out into the view in a complete state of awe.

Madison giggled, nodding her head as she sat the mug down beside her, "I know. I can already get used to it."

"We're gonna have a great time. I can feel it." Madelyn squeezed her best friends shoulder giddily, biting her bottom lip as she stared out at the orange sunrise, "Are you coming to get drinks tonight? We're celebrating!"

"I can really go for a drink." Madison chuckled, nodding her head, walking back into the room behind the blonde, shutting the sliding doors as she snapped down the lock.

Madelyn chapped her hands, tucking her light hair behind her ears, "I'm so glad you're coming. I think we can all use a good drink. We have a table rented out for about eight."

"Great. So that leaves me two hours to cry my eyes out in the shower and about a half hour to get ready." Madison shrugged, pretending to count the time on her fingertips.

"Oh, quit it." Madelyn pushed her friends shoulder playfully, shaking her head with an eye roll.

Madison laughed as she walked into the bathroom, turning the hot water on as she laid her dress out on the bed, the baby pink silk cold on her skin.

She rolled her damp hair up into hair wraps, to lazy to dry her hair and curl it, the robe dragged down her right arm, the smell of strawberry lingering on her freshly washed skin.

Madelyn had joined her in the bathroom, the two beginning to gossip about the most random things as they shared over priced make up products.

"I really don't mean to bring up your ex but did you hear about the whole Elaine drama? It's some shit." Madelyn huffed, closing the mascara bottle as she slipped back into the bag, taking out the liquid blush.

"No I haven't. I'm surprised Drew hasn't babbled it out yet. He's usually always updating me on the drama." Madison shook her head, spraying the setting spray on her face as she finished her makeup.

Madelyn laughed lighty at her comment, tucking her hair behind her ears before answering, "A lot of shit. Drew dosent even know half of it so I see why he didn't tell you. But Elaine desperately tried to her back with him for the past couple of months. Rudy said no because he was still in love with you. He said this last week."

Madison dropped the hair wrap as her curl unfolded, muttering a curse as she bent down to grab it, "Sorry. W-What?"

"I know. That's what I said. It's fucking insane. I swear that dude is so indecisive. Maybe bipolar." Madelyn scoffed, adjusting her gold necklace as it dangled.

Madison finished taking out her hair wraps, swallowing the nerves in her stomach, "All of the above."

"He's a sweet guy. He really is. He just doesn't know how to keep his feelings in check. Elaine on the other hand. A complete hot mess." Madelyn cringed, walking out of the bathroom and towards the closet, Madison behind her as she slipped on the silk dress over her undergarments.

"Well said." Madison nodded, bringing the tie up heels around her tan ankles, concentration taking over her face.

Madelyn hummed from the mirror, slipping her own feet into her heels, "Just don't mention that I said anything. I don't even think I was supposed to know."

"I barely talk to either of them so it's really no issue." Madison frowned slightly, biting the inside of her cheek as she switched to the other shoe.

"I wish you were still friends with Rudy. You guys aren't even really acquaintances." Madelyn turned to her friend, spraying the strong flowery sent on her bare wrists.

Madison nodded her head, "It's just to hard. To be friends, you know? As much as I'd love to I just don't think we can."

"So much wasted potential." Madelyn rolled her lips into her mouth as she grabbed her purse and keys, slinging it over her shoulder.

Madison stayed silent as she walked out of the hotel room, her friends words sticking in her head as she watched her lock the door and head towards the elevator.

She was right. I mean, Madelyn was always right but this time she was really right. Madison has always loved to hard, given so much to revive little back, but with Rudy he gave the same energy, the same heart.

They were bound to falling in love. From the first scene on set, from the first day of meeting. This wasn't wrong person right timing, as if in the case there was no such thing. This was right everything. So why had it all went so wrong?

So much wasted potential.

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