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The nine hour flight.

ONE OF MADISON'S FAVORITE things about being an actress was being able to travel and explore the earth. From every island to every busy city, the feeling of being somewhere new just brought a joy to her.

Throwing her heavily packed suitcase onto her bed, she wiped her hands, adjusting the light lens glasses balancing on the bridge of her nose, she sighed as she drank the cold coffee.

"Hey! You ready? We're leaving now." Madison bailey poked her head into her apartment doorway, flashing her a sweet smile.

"Yup." She replied, yawning as she placed the baby pink suitcase onto her wooden floors, rolling it out as the small backpack was on her right shoulder, shutting off her lights as she locked her door behind her.

She walked with Madison and Madelyn, the boys already in the lobby, impatiently waiting for the three, Madelyn turned to them, "Are you guys siked or what?"

"I'm so excited!" Madison B squeaked with excitement, crinkling her nose slightly as she pushed the down button, the elevator on the first floor.

"It's gonna be great. I'm just to fucking tired to comprehend shit." Madison whined, rolling her suitcase into the empty elevator along with her friends.

Madelyn hummed, "True that."

Madison was not looking forward to sitting on a nine hour flight being bothered by Drew's whining, Elaine's complaining, and most of all, being seated next to her ex boyfriend.

Drew shot the girls a large smile as they walked out of the apartment building complex, his arms wide as he waited outside of the bus, "Good morning, Ladies!"

"Drew...I love you a lot but please shut the fuck up." Madison patted his chest lightly, handing her suitcase to the service man beside her friend, thanking him as she boarded the spacious bus.

She got the window seat, placing both of AirPods in her ears as she shut her eyes, Madelyn joining Chase two rows back as Madison B sat with JD, leaving an entire row to the brunette who quickly placed her feet up.

The airport was a half hour away, enough time for her to get a quick nap in before they had to go through the hourlong flight attended speech.

Flights weren't her favorite thing, the turbulence made her paranoid but other than that she enjoyed the stale tasting peanuts and overly sugared sodas.

"C'mon." Madelyn shook her awake gently, time passing by quickly, she stood, slinging her backpack over her shoulder as the sun was beginning to awake.

The private jets engine shook the ground slightly, Madison glancing at her friends with excitement as the flight crew took their suitcases, guiding them onto the jet.

Madison sat in the middle of the aircraft, by the window besides Drew, a playful scoff leaving her mouth as he sat beside her.

He pushed her shoulder, rolling his eyes at her, "You should be happy. You could've sat besides Elaine."

"Ha! You're so funny!" Madison kept a blank expression as she glared at the blonde, fake laughing as she turned her head towards the window, seeing the few aircrew enter onto the plane.

In less than an hour, the group was smacking on gum as the jet began to take off, soon enough, they were up hundreds feet in the air off to Barbados.

The flight was going to be dreadful, throwing back stale peanuts and hearing the directors discuss last minute changes.

Madison slept for majority of the flight, waking up occasionally to kick Drew after he had awoken her by his loud voice, eventually drifting off back to sleep.

By the time they had landed, it was already nightfall. The security guiding the jet to a safe space to park, the cast groaning as they were being waken up.

Madison rubbed her eyes, squinting as the lights flickered back on, tucking her light strands behind her ears as she yawned, stretching as she grabbed her small bag.

"Welcome to Barbados!" The pilot cheered, smiling at the kindly as he bid goodbye to them.

Their suitcases had already been loaded onto a bus, waiting for them to take them to their five star hotel, talk about famous.

"And we're staying in a rich hotel? All for free! This is crazy, man. I thought this show was gonna make me a couple quick bucks, not supply me with a whole career." Drew ranted, holding on strap of his tan colored backpack as he walked between Madison and Jonathan.

Jonathan nodded in agreement, "Yeah. It's really life changing. In a good way, of course."

"I agree. Just wish sometimes the people we worked with weren't back stabbing bitches." Madison shot out suddenly, taking the two by surprise as she smiled cheerfully.

"Woah. That was unexpected." Jonathan scratched the back of his neck, pushing out his bottom lip in surprise.

Drew just chuckled, walking up the narrow steps of the bus, sitting beside Chase, Madison and Jonathan soon joining as they sat behind him.

With The Smiths song "I Know It's Over" playing on max volume in her ear, it somehow didn't drain out the shared giggles between Elaine and Rudy.

Madison sat her hands into her lap, folding them together, her shoulders dropping as she kept her eyes low, thinking taking over her mind.

She pictured her covering her mouth, pushing him playfully as he put his hands up in a surrender. A wave of deja vu making her unsettled, she shook her head, breathing out through he noise.

"Hey. You alright?" Jonathan tapped her gently, watching her head fly up, her face a mix of confusion and sadness.

"Oh, um, yeah." Madison's voice was wobbly, nodding her head as she glanced out of the window, the islands beauty seeming to take her mind off her ex boyfriend.

This was gonna be a long round of filming.

i hope u enjoyed! lots of love.

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