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For old times sake.

FORGIVENESS IS SOMETHING WE'RE all able to give out and receive, but is it really so easy to forgive someone.

Madelyn stared at the girl sitting on the island counter, the bowl of cereal becoming soggy as she stared blankly at the marble specks, she waved her hand in front of the brunettes face, "Madison? Hello? What's on you're mind?"

Madison shook her head, coming back to reality as she stuck out her bottom lip, shaking her head as she leaned back into the chair as she ignored the damp frosted flakes before her, "Nothing. Just dozed off."

The blonde tilted her head, giving her a stare with the lift of her left brow, leaning on her clothed elbows, "Do I really look that stupid? C'mon. I know something's up so spill it."

"It's just-I've just been thinking a lot. You know, being back here and spending time with you guys. Just reminds me of how things used to be. It just makes me kinda sad because I know it's not the same as it was." Madison shrugged her shoulders, playing with the silverware sticking out of the glass bowl.

Madelyn nodded gently, "There it is. It'll never go back to how it was. As much as we wish it could be. I think you and Rudy have both evolved into these different people and you needed to grow without one another. I know that hurts."

Madison sighed, biting into her bottom lip before speaking, "He's just all I know. How could I love someone as much as I love him? I'll never find that kinda bond again."

"That's not true. You deserve so much more than that shit. You deserve someone who truly wants you and only you. Someone who only loves you, only has eyes for you, only sees you and never wants to see anyone the same way they see you. Just be patient with yourself. You'll never fully get over it. It'll just become something in the back of your mind." Madelyn rambled, gripping the girls shoulders.

Madison stared up at her, her lip quivering as her eyes filled with tears, "I just wish I didn't remember how he made me feel. Madelyn, fuck, we weren't supposed to end like this! And I'll never forget the way he made me feel. He had everything. So why did he choose her?"

Madelyn brushed her dark roots from her face, rubbing her palm up and down the girls arms, "I'm proud of how strong you've been. You're handling it better than any of us could ever. And it's okay to cry. But crying does not change how he made you feel. The right person will come."

"I loved him more than humanly possible. Yet, he still threw me away because he got bored. He broke me. But I still love him. And I'd let him do it again just to be called his again." Madison's voice broke as she blinked rapidly, attempting to stop the tears.

"You're healing. Healing takes time." Madelyn's heart broke to see her best friend in such a state, she held back her own tears.

Madison shut her eyes, "How much longer will this take?"

And just like that, she began to sob, clutching onto her best friend, her face buried in her chest, letting out crying screams, a year worth of pain finally being let out.

Madelyn let her cry, shushing her as tears fell from her own eyes, her heart breaking with the girl beneath hers, she wished that Rudy would recognize the pain he caused on someone that was willing to take any risk for him.

He was her entire world, and the second he left to be happy with someone else, that entire world crushed into a ball and lit itself on burning flames. And Madison spent all of her time using a tiny hose attempting to put out those flames.

Maybe this is why they tell you love is a waste of time. Or that you're better off being alone. It saves you the tears.

But Madison didn't listen to the people that told her it was gonna end well, she's just happy it happened. Even if that means she's gonna spend the rest of her life rebuilding every part of her world, it was all worth it. It was all for him.

And maybe, maybe just one day, he'll help her put up a wall or two.

Authors note
This was my favorite chapter I've ever written.
I was sobbing over my ex while writing this...
Anyways!! Did y'all catch onto my harry styles line or what??

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