AH disaster (2)

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AH is blind for the people reading my last chapter, she just wears some goggles to return her vision, when she takes three off she is blind again.

Taiwan and AH took care of the children, well, mainly AH since Taiwan 90% of the time was taking photos and videos.

Japan: hey AH! Like the surprise ?

AH: SERIOUSLY JAPAN? Wait you were planning to make me a toddler too?

Japan: nah ik you hate orange juice. Don't worry! It's not permanent

AH: I will personally delete you once this is over

Japan: update me ;)

AH: no

AH sighed, so Japan did this! As least she got her goggles to allow her to see instead of being fully blind, her eyepatches covered the googles.
'Taiwan? Are you blind?'
'Only in one eye, Czechia though even though he is missing one eye can see perfectly.'

'Lucky Czechia.' AH said as she picked up Czechia to feed him some baby food, but he was rejecting it everytime. Even the choo choo train or here comes the airplane strategy. 'Hey! Here comes the airplane!' Czechia moved his head.

AH sighed and sat Czechia down while Taiwan picked up the Italian to clean his face from tomato sauce.
'How do we feed Czechia, everybody ate already and Czechia is rejecting it.' AH whined, 'Come on Chia~ EAT.' Czechia stared at the food and looked back up.

'Dej mi kachnu.' Czechia said in perfect Czech. AH looked at Czechia in confusion but then Taiwan took out google translate.
'He wants duck.' Taiwan shrugged, 'Chia, we don't have duck, is there anything else?'

'Řízek? Ummm snitchzel!' Czechia replied and AH nodded before making some and passing it to Czechia who started to eat.

'Dang that's one weird country.' AH laughed and Taiwan did too.
'I have to go now? Should I take anyone?'
'I guess you can take Poland.'
'Okay!' Taiwan picked up Poland and placed him on one of her hands before leaving and closing the door gently. AH sighed and tried to take a five minute break before.. GERMANY WAS BUILDING A BOMB OUT OF BAKING SODA???

'Germany! No!!' AH picked up Germany just in time and sighed, 'Germany no bombs.' Germany pleaded AH to do it with puppy eyes but it didn't work. AH held onto Germany while walking around to make sure all the children were okay. Finally, more peace.

Italy, America, Czechia, Germany, Austria and Hungary were now more calm. AH decided to use this time to relax and watch some news.

Suddenly America screamed and AH sharply turned to see Czechia and Germany attacking each other.
'AH! CWECHIA AND GWERMONEY ARE GONNA DWIE!!!' America cried, AH turned to Germany ruling up his magic and Czechia growling weirdly and AH picked up the two.

'Germany and Czechia! What are you guys doing?'

'Czechia said my beer is too bitter!!' Germany whined, AH turned to Germany.

'American beer better!' America yelled, both countries glared at America.

'NOT THAT WATERED DOWN CRAP!' Germany screamed and Czechia agreed.

'KIDS! All of your beers are good, relax okay, some people prefer it sweeter, bitter or watered down.' AH tried to calm them down. America was now crying more because of the insult. '*sigh*' AH placed the toddler EU countries down and picked up America. 'Shhhh... you still have coke and many other amazing stuff. It doesn't have to be beer. For example Czechia is known for his amazing castles!' AH said, America looked at AH, no longer crying.

'So I can be well known even though it's not beer?'
'Yes! France is known for wine!' She wiped America's tear, 'And UK is known for tea, you don't have to be known for beer.' America giggled and she placed him back on the sofa. 'Meanwhile you two apologize to each other.' She scolded Germany and Czechia.

Germany and Czechia glared at each other before apologizing. AH let out a relieved exhale, that was close. Austria and Hungary decided to sneak upstairs to do some twin stuff.

Germany meanwhile was playing with his own wing for no reason while speaking German with Italy who replied back in Italian.
'Italy, should we scare the heck out AH?' Germany asked Italy and he nodded. Germany couldn't fly properly when he was three, but since they only shrunk and acted like three Germany still could fly. He flew to the kitchen and took out a knife and ketchup and flew back to Italy. 'WHO suffer?'

'You.' Italy said, Germany snickered while AH had no idea what was going on since she was listening to the news. Germany was squirting ketchup on himself and mixed it with his magic to make it darker (more realistic), Italy meanwhile was prepping the knife. They giggled and Germany started to scream to start the prank. AH did a spin to see Italy WOTH the knife and she almost had a heart attack.

'ITALY NOOO!!!' She took the knife from Italy and saw Germany and picked him up, she pressed her hand against the "wound". She soon realized that it wasn't a wound, that was ketchup. 'Oh thank goodness! Why would my out guys do that! Now you are covered in ketchup.' AH sighed and took Germany to clean him up, Italy and Germany were laughing the entire time.


GE: Hey sweetie how's it going? <3

AH took the phone,


GE: oh- what

AH: Czechia and Germany attacked each other, then Italy with Germany decided to give me an heart attack.

AH finished washing Germany and changed him into new clothes.

GE: how about our twins?

AH: I haven't seen them.. wait. SHEIßE!!!

GE: keep them alive for me please!


AH rushed everywhere to see Austria and Hungary spilling an entire bag of dirt.
'Oh my god..' AH groaned and picked up the children and walked downstairs to round up every single child.

America, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, yep we got everyone! Good job AH :)

AH was covered in water, mud and dirt now with a bit of ketchup on her hand. Suddenly a beam of light flashed and AH dropped her goggles, not making her see the rest.

'AH? AH? AHHHH??????' A voice said as the figure placed the giggled back on her. 'You ok?' AH nodded and looked up.

'America? Thank goodness you are back to normal!'

'My question is why you are covered in dirt, mud, water and ketchup.' Germany pointed out.

'All of you guys turned into toddlers, Italy yoy attacked Poland, You also with Germany faked his death, my fellow twins summoned a demon. Germany and Czechia insulted your beer. America jumped off a tree and so on. You guys are the worst toddlers.' AH scoffed. Every laughed.

'Let's get you cleaned up, shall we?' Hungary said and AH nodded while Austria helped her up.

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