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Okay! Hi! As you know this account is shared by Ambery, the innocent one. And me! Hailey!!!
Ambery wrote most of this stuff... the only ones I wrote is credited to me, if there is no credit then it means that Ambery wrote it since she is the rightful writer

SO.. request? By the way this is a smutless profile, at least what Ambery claims >:)

Ambery is currently tried af after her competition and injured her back AGAIN from throwing a ball 30 meters like bruh moment...

I'll take control of the one shot book for a week before Ambery returns and Ambery will work on the 1945 book (highly recommend!)

Adios!!! (If you want to get to know me and Ambery better, scroll down more :))

-multi talent (Student council somehow, Technology team, Won multiple trophy's from her design skills and multiple sport events SOMEHOW SHE DOES ALL THAT EVEN THO SHE IS CHRONICALLY ILL- I'm proud)
-from more than three countries
-Severe scoliosis, my scoliosis warrior >:)
-speaks 4 languages
-idiot that poured boiling water on her hand thinking it was cold (she is okay by the way, she took out a garden hose and used it on her hand and then got it fixed up later)

Hailey (me currently)
-Technology team and art boi.
-speaks 2 languages
-from Austria and America
-no problems with me, other than breaking my leg often since I'm stupid
-Idiot that fell of a tree (broken leg noises)

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