1945 (part two)

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TW! (Same as before but this time it's not as bad.)

America left the room after UK told him too and approached a Germany who was still in bed.
'Hey buddy, are you okay?' Germany states at the man in horror, after all it was the man who agreed separating them and took him in his home without consent and threw him down a staircase. He looked around to see his arm in a cast.
'Where am I?' Germany asked Uk, making sure he was in his house and not some shelter.
'At my house, you didn't answer my question.'
'I'm fine.' He rolled over, turning away from UK. UK rolled his eyes from his attitude but understood why he did it.

'I want to apologize for throwing you down the staircase and everything, thanks to you Poland got to keep his wings and is doing much better.'

Germany heard it and rolled back to UK.
'How about Czechia?'
'He got a better eyepatch but insisted it to be a blue triangle.' That made Germany feel slightly better.
'They are all healthy, including my wife France.' France walked in the room.

'Hey Germany, UK honey did you tell Germany?'
'Tell me what?' Germany flickered his sight between France and UK.
'We adopted you Germany, TR has been arrested as well along with FI and JE.' UK said, satisfying France.

'Where are my glasses? I can see right now since I have contacts but I need my glasses.' Germany said, not reacting to the adoption.

France took a small case out her locker and gave it to Germany who said "thanks" before feeling a bit pain on his back and grunting a little.

'Germany? Are you alright you seem a little in pain?' France asked. Germany asked them to leave a little and they listening. Instead of leaving , the concerned adoptive parents peaked out the door. Germany let his wings out which were about the same size as TR's, Germany's wings were going to be bigger for sure. UK and France had their mouth wide open, why would he hide his wings, they finally left Germany to do his stuff.

Germany fixed them up a bit before going back under the covers without hiding his wings, they didn't have to know anyway.  Soon enough the door barged open, he squeaked from the sudden noise and his wing slightly came out from the blanket.

'HI I AM AUSTRALIA HAVE YOU SEEN MY SPIDER?' Australia said loudly, he looked a Germany before seeing his wing. 'Omg you have my spider!' Australia grabbed his wing causing him to scream and Australia let go.
'Oh I'm sorry! I thought that was Raven my spider.' Australia apologized. 'Wait you have wings?' Australia continued, 'When I saw you enter the house you didn't have any.'

'I hide them.' Germany said, knowing that his secret was out. 'Ugh.. you can tell anyone but I don't like showing them.' Germany looked his room before seeing a eight legged creature above him and he pointed to the ceiling in response.

'RAVEN! By the way I'm so sorry for pulling onto your wing Germany. Rest well mate.' Australia said before taking Raven out the room with him.

France and UK walked in the room and mentioned what Aussie said, making Germany sigh but not annoyed.
'Can I go to school tommorow? I- uh like doing work.' Germany said a little shy, considering he is meant to recover.

'Yes, but if you ever want to go home just call us okay? I understand if you have some problems.' France assures and whispers a bit with UK before UK continued.
'Also tell us if anybody is being mean to you for who you are, you are Germany, not your father TR.'

'TR is my uncle who forced East and I to be his children after he killed my father GE.' Germany quickly corrected, 'He also stole us from AH, AH was nice though.'

'Sorry for that, do you want to come outside? We have some people to introduce you to.' Germany nodded and followed the pair outside to see America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
'Woah! You have wings?' Canada asked, pointing to Germany's slight muscular wings compared to everything else. Germany's wings flapped in excitement and fear at the same time and hid them.

'Sorry I dont enjoy showing them, but yes I do. I am Germany, son of GE not my uncle TR.' Germany introduced himself before sitting on the ground.

'What are you doing? You sit on the chair with us not on the ground like some slave. We don't support slavery either.' New Zealand said, Germany apologized before sitting on the chair, it felt weird to sit on a chair after a long time. 'Wait you sit on the floor your entire life?' Germany nodded again before turning around in embarrassment.

'Nothing to be embarrassed about Germany. I'm Canada!'
'Your new dad, UK and your new mother France.'
'America, the land of the free.'
'Actually I'm the most free country, New Zealand.'
'Australia, the best animas live here!'
'More like land of where the devil keeps his pets.' America added, earning a shut up face from the Aussie.

Germany had a long conversation with the four, they all seemed chill about Germany and he felt slightly better. He went upstairs and snuck out the window to grab his blueprint paper from TR house and started working on his project.

When he was finished, he heard a ring from his phone and left his room to get it from the living room, leaving his blueprint exposed to the entire house.
'Hello? Germany here.'
'Hello, it's your cousin Switzerland.'
'Uh? Why are you calling I thought you are busy from your new job?'
'I am on my job. It's hard to tell you but East is... tot.' That message made Germany drop his phone on the ground, making the scream have a small crack.

'You're joking right?' He said while picking up his phone.
'NEIN.. sorry Germany.' Switzerland hang up the phone leaving Germany alone in the living room. Canada and the other step siblings were playing UNO till they noticed Germany flop onto the sofa looking all stressed. They ignored it, maybe it was a bad grade till he started to burst out crying.

'Yo! Germany? Why are you crying?' America and the others rushed to the sobbing Germany.
'E-East ist tot!' Germany cried covering his face.
'Anyone have a translater?' America asked as New Zealand passed him a phone and he typed down the German words. 'Oh god.. Germany..'

Germany cries even more and eventually felt safe enough to hug the American who hugged back to support him. Imagine losing your only family left mixed with other traumas.
'Warum East? Why not me!' He wailed.

'Don't say that.. you don't deserve to die either.'  Germany suddenly felt a small pain and energy in him and he grew slightly taller.

'East put her land in the will for you..' Canada gasped before internally slapping himself and joining in to comfort the German who seemed calmer.

France and UK entered the room. 'So- oh you heard the news already. We're sorry for your loss Germany.'

Should I make this a separate book? If yes I will still continue the one shots... I really like this plot hehe

I will continue this one shot :)

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