Chapter 11

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Peter dropped me off close to Apocalypse as he began punching him using super speed.

Apocalypse managed to trap Peter's leg in sand, breaking it. I used Raven's mutation to transform into one of Apocalypse's soldiers.

I slowly made my way towards the two mutants.

"End him" Apocalypse ordered me as he pulled Peter's hair.

I took the sword attached to the uniform of the woman I was impersonating and placed it towards Peter's face.

As I was about to swing the sword, I changed the direction of my attack and sliced Apocalypse's neck. It did nothing.

He grabbed my neck and lifted me in the air as he began strangling me. He let go of Peter and focused on me.

I transformed back into my normal self as I began struggling to breathe. I used Erik's powers to try and throw scraps of metal at him, but it was useless.

"Your power... Is far more interesting than your brother's. Maybe I'll transfer my consciousness into your body instead of his"

Apocalypse's eyes suddenly turned grey and he let me fall to the ground. Charles was in his head.

Apocalypse managed to escape Charles's power as he made the wall of the house in front of us slowly disappear to reveal Charles and the X-men.

"I do not need you anymore Charles. For I have your sister who has copied your ability and so many more" Apocalypse said as he grabbed my arm and lifted me up in the air.

Two bars of metal appeared in front of Apocalypse.

"Let her go" Erik said.

"You betrayed me ?" Apocalypse said.

"No. I betrayed her" He said as threw everything that he could at Apocalypse.

The god had managed to use his shield to protect himself, but he had yet to notice Hank and Scott behind him.

Hank ran towards Peter and grabbed him. He then made his way towards me and helped me up before we ran away from the fight. He put Peter down in the house and began leaving again.

"Stay here" He said.

"No. I need to help" I said.

He gave me a hesitant nod and I followed him back to the battle field.

I used Erik's mutation to throw metal at Apocalypse to distract him from whatever Charles had planned. Jean walked out of the house and a phoenix-shaped explosion destroyed Apocalypse's shield.

I used the opportunity to pin Apocalypse to the ground using pieces of metal from cars and houses. At the same time, Scott targeted Apocalypse with his lasers.

Apocalypse began teleporting away, but before he could, lightning struck him. Another of his mutants had turned against him. Apocalypse slowly dissolved into dust.

We had finally stopped him.

Erik walked towards me. I ran in his direction and hugged him.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and began silently crying.

"I missed you every single day" I said.

"I-I missed you too" He answered.

I let go of Erik and carefully removed his helmet from his head. Erik looked at the ground with a look of guilt on his face.

"What's the matter ?" I asked.

"I... I..." He tried talking, but he was unable to.

I put my hands on his head to read his mind. What I saw shocked me.

Erik had married a woman mere days after leaving me in D.C and he had a child with her.

I didn't dare look further in his mind.

"H-How could you ? You had left me with Charles days prior. How could you leave me !" I said.

"I didn't have a choice I needed an alibi-"

"You could have brought me with you ! You didn't have to marry a random woman !"

"I wanted to, but it was too dangerous"

"Do you know what happened to me after you left ? I couldn't even get out of the house. I didn't speak. I became afraid of being alone. My life became a living hell, all while you were enjoying being a father with a woman you met after leaving me with no explanation !"

"I never loved her. I just needed an alibi. You can read my mind, I'm telling the truth" He said.

"How do you explain Nina ?" I said as tears fell from my eyes.

"An accident. I loved her, but I regret what I did"

"Loved ?"

"She died. Her and her mother. Killed by policemen looking for me. You're the only woman I've ever loved"

We stayed silent for a brief moment.

"I saw the future. In Logan's mind. We were supposed to save mutants and maybe one day reach our goal together. We were supposed to grow old side by side. Not be torn apart like this" I said.

The X-men slowly began leaving. I wiped my tears and followed them. Erik tried getting close to me, but I pushed him away.


A few weeks after the incident, Erik and Jean had rebuilt the mansion. The school reopened, and I moved back in.

Charles had asked to see me in his office. I knocked on the door and walked inside.

Charles was behind the desk and Erik stood in front of him.

"You asked to see me ?" I asked, ignoring Erik completely.

"Yes. I want you to tell me why you haven't talked to Erik since he came back" Charles said, acting as if he didn't know the answer to his own question.

I sighed.

"He left me in D.C and went to Poland. Three days later, he married a random woman and one year later had a child with her" I said, not looking at Erik once.

"Now, Erik, why did you do that ?" Charles asked.

"Because I didn't want her to be on the run forever, and I wanted her to be safe. I needed an alibi so I married a random woman who had, according to her, fallen in love with me. I then accidentally had a child with her. I never loved her as I have only loved one woman romantically in my life" Erik said.

"Y/N, would you be ready to forgive him ?" Charles asked.

"Maybe one day, but not today"

"I've found a solution" Charles began.

"The gouvernement has given Erik an island as a way to keep him away from the country and to thank him for what he did to Apocalypse. I think it would be a good idea to send you there with him and other mutants to form a community"

"No. I can't leave you" I said.

"Erik said he'll agree to every single one of your conditions as long as you go with him"

"Let me read your mind" I said, finally looking at Erik.

"Alright" He said.

I placed my hands on his head and began reading his thoughts and looking at his past.

He truly regretted what he had done. He felt guilty. He was ashamed and he wished he had never left me that day.

"I-I'll go with you" I said.

"I hope you can forgive me, my love"

"In time"

Published : 12-09-22
Number of Words : 1190

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