Chapter 8

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3rd Person POV

It had been ten years since Erik had left the United States, leaving Y/N behind. She couldn't stay by herself anymore, so she spent all her time with Charles.

The school had reopened, and Charles was currently teaching a class. Y/N was sitting in the back of the room looking around silently.

Hank, Alex and his brother, Scott began walking towards the classroom.

"That's going to be all for today" Charles said as the students slowly left.

Y/N got up and stood behind Charles as Alex approached the siblings.

"It's good to see you" Charles said as he shook Alex's hand.

"Y/N" Alex greeted the silent woman as she gave him a nod of acknowledgment.

"It's been a while" Charles said.

"It has. This is my brother, Scott" Alex said, pointing at the teen with bandages covering his eyes.

"Hello, Scott. Welcome to the school for the gifted" Charles said.

"It doesn't really feel like a gift" Scott said sarcastically.

"It never does at first"

Charles, Hank and Y/N began leaving and at that moment, Scott whispered in his brother's ear.

"I learned about her in my history classes" Scott said as he pointed at Y/N.

Alex held in a laugh.

"You don't want to mess with her, ever. She's changed, but she's still powerful" He said as they caught up to the other mutants.


The group made their way to the backyard. Y/N pushed Charles's wheelchairs and stopped in front of a small pond.

"The first step in understanding one's power is learning the extent of it. Only then can we begin the process of teaching you how to control it. If you do decide to stay, I can promise you that by the time you're done here, you'll be able to go back into the world and play a stable and productive part in it. Why don't you take your bandages off and we can have a look at what we're dealing with here ?" Charles told Scott.

Scott took off the bandages and lasers shot from his eyes, destroying the tree that was in front of the group.

Charles laughed.

"Our grandfather planted that tree when he was five years old" Charles said. Y/N kept quiet.

The tree fell to the ground.

"Does that mean I'm expelled ?" Scott asked as he put the bandages back on.

"On the contrary. You're enrolled" Charles said with a smile.


Y/N, Charles and Alex walked into Moira's office building. Y/N pushed Charles's wheelchair as she always did.

"Why are we here ?" Alex asked.

"She's connected to something strange I detected with Cerebro" Charles answered excitedly.

The trio stayed silent for a moment.

"Does she ever talk ?" Alex asked, referring to Y/N.

"Not much since Erik left. She spends her days following me around. It's a sensitive subject for her. Be careful what you say next" Charles told Alex telepathically.

The group made it to the main office.

"Everybody take a break" Charles said as all the employees froze.

Charles knocked on Moira's door and they all got inside.

"Moira MacTaggert, hello !" Charles said enthusiastically. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Professor-"

"Charles Xavier. I know exactly who you are" Moira said, finishing his sentence for him.

"You do ?"

"I have read all your papers. It's a pleasure to finally meet you" Moira said as she got up and shook Charles's hand.

"This is my friend Alex Summers, and my sister Y/N Xavier" Charles said introducing everyone.

"You were the woman with Mag-" Charles stopped Moira's sentence, knowing it would hurt his sister.

"It's wonderful to see you again. T-To meet you again for the first time. You've got a son ?" Charles said, distracted by everything.


"Does he have a husband ? Uh... Do you have a husband ?" Charles asked.

"I had a husband but it's hard to do this job and make it hime in time for dinner. We all make choices"

"I was... We were hoping that you would tell us about what happened yesterday in Egypt" Charles said.

"I'm afraid that's classified information. I don't mean to be rude but... how did you get in here ?"

"We have level-five clearance"

Moira took some files that were on the floor and put them on her desk.

"Ever since the world found out about mutants in '73..." Moira said, glancing at Y/N quickly. "...There have been cults who see them as some kind of second coming or sign of God. I was tracking one of them. They call themselves Ashir En Sabah Nur, named after an ancient being they believe to be the world's first mutant"

"I thought mutants didn't evolve until this century" Alex said.

"That's the common theory, yes. But these guys believe that the first mutant was born tens of thousands of years ago and they believe he will rise again. They've been searching ancient sites all around the world for clues. These hieroglyphs describe a specific set of powers greater than any man could possess" Moira said, continuing her explanation.

"They think he lived all that time ?" Charles asked, concerned.

"Yes and no. They believe he had the ability to transfer his consciousness from body to body and whenever he was close to death, he would just take on a new body. Some of these bodies may have been the bodies of mutants, enabling him to take their powers, amassing various abilities over the years"

"Kinda like your mutation" Alex said to Y/N.

"In a way. And wherever this being was, he always had four principle, followers. Disciples. Protectors, he would imbue with powers" Moira continued.

"Like the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He got that one from the Bible" Alex commented.

"Or the Bible got it from him. And wherever he ruled, eventually it would end in disaster. Cataclysm. Some kind of Apocalypse"

"The end of the world" Charles whispered.


Charles had decided to bring Moira back to the mansion for more discussions about what to do next.

They made their way to Charles's office in a search for Hank.

"Hank. Are you in here ?"

The group was shocked by what they saw.

Raven sitting down on the couch in front of them.

"Moira" She said as she got up.

"I'm sorry. Have we met ?" Moira asked.

"Y/N" Raven whispered.

She ran towards Y/N ans hugged her.

"I've missed you so much. I've missed my sister so much" Raven said, getting emotional.

Y/N stayed quiet but returned the hug.

"I'd like to talk with Raven alone, please" Charles said as they all exited the room.

"I missed you too" Y/N said as she closed the door behind her.

Published : 22-08-22
Number of Words : 1132

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